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George Takei gets absolutely walloped for claiming Scalise shooting is universe making social justice statement


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“Star Trek” star George Takei was strongly rebuked on Twitter Saturday after he claimed that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) received some sort of social justice at the hands of the universe when he was shot earlier this week.

In the tweet, Takei also labeled Scalise “bigoted” and “homophobic.”


“The universe doesn’t joke around. The officer who saved bigoted, homophobic Rep. Steve Scalise during baseball practice was a black lesbian,” Takei wrote.


Takei’s implication, of course, is that because Scalise is a Republican and supports traditional marriage between a man and woman he somehow deserved being shot just to be saved by a person who is both black and lesbian.

Takei was referring to Capitol Police officer Crystal Griner.

The tweet was penned Saturday morning as Scalise remains in the hospital after nearly dying from a gunshot wound sustained when a lone gunman opened fire on a group of Republican congressmen practicing for the annual congressional baseball game.

But Takei didn’t end his hateful political rhetoric there. In a follow up tweet, he also bashed Scalise for “espousing” traditional values on his congressional website:

And yet his website still espouses "Family Values" and protecting the "Sanctity of Marriage." pic.twitter.com/4XkgK0slvv

— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) June 17, 2017


Takei was almost universally condemned for his tweets Saturday, with some people pointing out that it was a Bernie Sanders supporter who shot Scalise, turning Takei’s “universe justice” narrative upside down.


You lose, Sulu...

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