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Fire Mueller and End the Witch Hunt


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Fire Mueller and End the Witch Hunt

By Brandon J. Weichert| June 14, 2017

Anot-so-quiet consensus among the Washington, D.C. elite—the “Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Party,” as Michael Walsh calls them—holds that President Trump is a direct threat to their interests and must be stopped at all costs. When Hillary Clinton and the Democrats (and their cronies in the media) failed to derail Trump in the presidential election, this unelected, bloated administrative state swung into action against him. Today, an unrestrained, “independent” special counsel is rampaging through the White House, looking for Russians under every bed and in every bathroom.

The problem with special counsels (or special prosecutors, as the terms are used interchangeably) isn’t so much that they’re ineffective; rather, it’s that they are divorced from the traditional constitutional checks-and-balances that we rely upon to protect us from an overzealous state. It’s important to note also that, while many Trump supporters soothe themselves by stating that bringing on a “special counsel” to investigate potential Trump-Russia connections is not as bad as bringing on a “special prosecutor,” there is no real distinction between them in terms of the danger they pose to the Constitution.Whether  :snip: 

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July 25, 2017

Fire Mueller

By J. Robert Smith

Two words describe the Russian collusion accusations and investigation of President Trump: Sham and injustice. Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor, knows it. Rod Rosenstein, the Obama holdover Deputy Attorney General who appointed Mueller, knows it. Jeff Sessions, a decent man and attorney general who recused himself, knows it. 

The Democrats know it. The left knows it. The mainstream media knows it. DC-owned and spine-free Republicans know it. Paul Ryan knows it. 

Everybody knows it. But everyday Americans should really know this: the farce continues because powerful establishment interests are invested in destroying Donald Trump and his presidency.

That’s why the president should fire Mueller. It’s why Jeff Sessions needs to unrecuse himself. The president should shelve special prosecutions during his presidency. The law permits him to do so. Let U.S. district attorneys earn their keep.     

Note “…Trump and his presidency,” not “Trump’s presidency,” because the witch-hunting and attempted railroading of the president is every bit as much about destroying the man.  :snip:   http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/07/fire_mueller.html

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