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White House Pushes Budget Deal As A Win For Republicans After Democrats Get Under Trump’s Skin


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The White House is pushing the new spending bill as a win for Republicans after gloating from Democrats over major concessions got under the president’s skin.

Congressional leaders reached an agreement Sunday night on a budget that would keep the government open through September and avoid a looming shutdown. Because the bill includes funding for Planned Parenthood, money to help Puerto Rico with a projected shortfall in Medicaid and restricts the allotted $1.5 billion for border security from going to the new wall, Democrats began touting it as a win.

Clearly, it frustrated President Trump.

He threatened a government shutdown in September on Twitter Tuesday morning, and then trotted out his top officials to hawk the bill as a win during what is normally press secretary’s Sean Spicer’s time at the lectern.

As he spoke, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney lambasted Democrats for their behavior.

“The president is frustrated that he negotiated with the Democrats and they went out and tried to spike the football and make him look bad,” Mulvaney said. “They wanted a shutdown.”

“What didn’t the Democrats get? There’s no Obamacare bailout money in this package. I’ve read that — go find it for me. It is not there. What the Democrats are telling you about that is false. There is absolutely no language in this package that requires us to make any Obamacare payments of any way shape or form as a result of this deal. Why are Democrats saying that? Because it’s what they told their base they would deliver and they failed to do that for their base.”


And the Republicans have been their own worst enemy. They don't need the Democrats to screw up.

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