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CNN panel explodes after GOP strategist educates liberal guests why Americans hate the media


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A CNN panel following President Donald Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania Saturday exploded after liberal guests bashed Trump and praised former President Barack Obama.

The liberal consensus on the panel was that Trump gave the “most divisive speech” ever by an American president.

Trump, who mocked the media during his speech because they were in Washington D.C., at the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner, showed himself to be a “moral midget and a deeply insecure person,” according to liberal CNN commentator Paul Begala, who also referred to Trump as a “needy little baby.”

Former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm (D) added: “I am so, so sad for America tonight listening to this speech.”

“Ronald Reagan would never have given such an utterly divisive speech,” she claimed. “There are people probably who watched this and were hoping that he would call us to something higher and he took us right into the swamp — I feel like I need to take a shower.”

“I think of Barack Obama calling people to a higher place, calling us to something better,” she continued. “[Trump] called everyone to their worse, divisive instinct.”

“That’s just wrong,” former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (R) interjected.

“Barack Obama did not call us to our higher instinct,” he explained. “Look, I agree that Donald Trump is probably giving a speech that no other president would give and with his tone and verbal usage, but you can’t juxtapose it [with Barack Obama]. I understand how his language and his demeanor and the way he talks offends everybody here.”

But Barack Obama deeply offended me,” Santorum continued. “He deeply offended the people in [the crowd at Trump’s rally] because he spoke down to them. He didn’t try to elevate them, he was morally condescending, calling people bigots and racists and people of faith, calling them out for their religious beliefs. You don’t understand how agitated that base got with Barack Obama.”

Paris Dennard, who worked in George W. Bush’s White House, echoed Santorum’s sentiment and took it a step further.

“We have to put somethings in context. When you look at President Trump and the way pundits, and the way people in the media talk about him and his candidacy, the people around him in the West Wing, his family, it’s deplorable,” Dennard began. “And when you have that type of rhetoric and tone constantly beating at the drum every single day, 24/7, that is not helping America.”

“And when [Begala] — listen, I probably didn’t like 98 or 99 percent of the things that President Obama did, but I would never call him ‘Obama’ and I would never call him a ‘moral midget’ or a ‘needy little baby’ even if I thought the two things were true about him,” he continued.

“So as you sit here with your platform and attack with these horribly sayings personally … you have to have some honesty with how you’re talking about the president and about how you want him to talk about other people,” Dennard explained. “We owe this president a little more respect in how we talk about him because there are a lot of Americans out there who are suffering and who want to believe in him. And when we belittle [Trump] and everything about him…that’s why he attacks the media.”

“I respect the office, not the man,” Begala shot back. “He is my president, but he is letting me down and the vast majority of Americans down.”


And so is the liberal media...

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