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Julie Borowski Shoots Down Tomi Lahren: Pro-Life Libertarians Aren't Hypocrites


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julie-borowski-shoots-down-tomi-lahren-pPJ Media:

Tyler O'Neil

March 20, 2017


On Friday, conservative pundit Tomi Lahren declared that she is pro-choice, because "I can't sit here and be a hypocrite and say I'm for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies." Libertarian YouTube star Julie Borowski shot down this argument in less than two minutes. (Related: Will Tomi Lahren lose her job?)


"It is not hypocritical for limited government people to be legally pro-life," Borowski declared. "We do not advocate for a society where people can do whatever they want."


In her classic sarcastic style, the YouTube star mocked the view that libertarians have to support an anarchic society without any limits on human freedom. "Murder, theft, rape, go for it, liberty!" The libertarian response to this would be "No, these things would still be illegal for good reason."








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A Libertarian Student's Plea

13 HOURS AGO Ralph Raico

[This appears to have been written while Professor Raico was a university student. No date is given. The paper was found in a folder in the Rothbard Papers.]


As a university student, as an heir of the Western tradition, and as a libertarian — on all three of these counts I was aroused by Mr. Buckley's article, "Peace and Pacifism." For he has, it appears to me, considered the just arguments neither of youth, nor of civilization, nor, even, of freedom, all of which will live or die, depending on whether it is to be peace or atomic war.


To me, at least, this is clear: one may, on the one hand, permit American youth, civilization, and freedom to flourish as best they can in the twentieth century world, or, on the other hand, one may have one's war and the nuclear destruction of the Soviet Union. But, although Mr. Buckley does not seem to see it, one cannot have both sets of values simultaneously.


Nuclear war is absolutely incompatible, in the first place, with freedom, and the conservative, of all people, should be fully aware of this fact. History has taught him that the rulers of states are never to be depended upon to look without greed on any sphere of human action not under their control. They may be expected to take every opportunity to interfere with force in the free functioning of other men. But, nuclear war increases such opportunities to infinity: in the next war, what will prevent the men in power from ruthlessly violating liberty at will, under cover of the chaos causes by the conflict? Today the conservative objects to attempts to interfere with the sending of "hate literature" through the mails Scissors-32x32.png


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