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Tom Perez Elected New DNC Chair


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Cortney O'Brien

Feb 25, 2017 3:27 PM


The votes are in, and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez is the new chair for the Democratic National Committee. He wins with 235 votes.


Perez was just one vote short on the first ballot, but secured victory in the second round.


Keith Ellison, who served as Perez's main opponent, receiving 200 votes, divided Democrats during the campaign, with many party members insisting he was too radical to lead the party, considering his former ties to anti-American organizations and weak stance on U.S.-Israeli relations. Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz even threatened to leave the party should he win the nomination. Yet, many progressives insisted Ellison was the only candidate who could truly lead the grassroots movement in the Democratic party.



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Welcome To The New (post 1968) Democratic Party.



Doubling down on Communism? WTH?


10 Quick Facts You Must Know About New DNC Chair, Communist Tom Perez (Most covered by @Geee's post)







Here are ten key facts about radical progressive leftist Tom Perez that you may not know:


Tom Perez supports Islamic Sharia Law in America which is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Perez had his own Hillary Clinton-like email scandal, secretly using a private email account to do government business while at the Department of Labor. Perez “likely violated both the spirit and letter of the Federal Records Act” by using his private email to hide what he was doing from federal officials, according to The Wall Street Journal.


Tom Perez radically supports amnesty for illegal aliens and is anti-border enforcement. “Bringing 11 million undocumented workers out of the shadows and on a path to citizenship will give them access to higher wages and greater economic opportunity,” he said on October 29, 2013.


Perez is a racist who fought to expand alleged hate crimes, which he characterizes as a predominantly white-on-black phenomenon. He believes that if minorities commit more crimes, it is only because they are discriminated against. He calls it “disparate impact.“


In 2012, while at the Obama Justice Department before becoming labor secretary in 2013, Perez sued Jacksonville, Florida, because black firefighter applicants got lower test scores on exams than white applicants. Perez believes that written tests for firefighters and police officers is somehow discriminatory.

Perez had the radical view that the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division’s mission was to help those “living in the shadows” (helping illegal aliens). Perez believes that applicants to certain professions should be given preference based on skin colors other than white.


Perez is a big proponent of foreigners in America illegally receiving in-state tuition discounts.


A lifelong bureaucrat, Tom Perez was deputy assistant attorney general for civil rights under Democrat president and serial woman abuser Bill Clinton. Perez worked under nutjob Janet Reno.


Perez was previously president of Casa de Maryland, a communist front group and a notorious advocacy group for illegal aliens funded by George Soros and socialist madman Hugo Chavez. (Big donors to Casa de Maryland include Soros’s Foundation to Promote Open Society –$270,000 since 2010– National Council of La Raza –$70,000 since 2004– and two government-supported entities, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp. –$40,000 since 2011– and Maryland Legal Services Corp. –$630,203 since 2005.)


Perez is a proponent of “Critical Legal Studies,” which is a legal theory derived from anti-American Marxism.



Looking forward to the Perez DNC leadership resulting in many more losses for his party.

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I divide the Democratic Party into two part...Pre 1968 Chicago Convention and Post 1968 Chicago Convention. By 1972 (Mcgovern for President) the Change or Coup, was over, and the Left had taken over from the Liberals.

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Meet the DNC’s New Organizer in Chief - John Fund


Tom Perez is both a hard-core progressive and a hard-fighting party insider.


The election of a new chair of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday was clearly an inside-baseball affair. Only 17 percent of Democratic voters had even heard it was happening, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

Media analysts breathlessly touted the race as one between Representative Keith Ellison, pushed by the forces behind Bernie Sanders’s insurgent challenge last year, and Tom Perez, a former secretary of labor who was supported by Joe Biden and effusively praised by Barack Obama and other establishment voices.


In reality, both candidates are hard-core progressives committed to the party’s scorched-earth opposition to the Trump administration. As Jeff Stein of Vox noted:


The purpose of this fight can appear somewhat mystifying. Perez was one of the most left-leaning members of Obama’s Cabinet, muting the contest’s ideological stakes by making it hard to understand what precise ideological division the party’s two factions are fighting over.Scissors-32x32.png



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The Democrats Have Chosen Defeat

February 26, 2017 by Brandon J. Weichert 10 Comments

It’s official. After a contentious election, the Democratic National Committee has chosen its next chairman, former Obama Labor Secretary Tom Perez. With Perez, the Democrats indicated they will be abandoning their extreme left-wing base and, in so doing, relegating themselves to being the party of entrenched, wealthy special interests and preferred minority groups. The … Scissors-32x32.pnghttps://amgreatness.com/2017/02/26/democrats-chosen-defeat/

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Busting the "Free College" Myth

10 HOURS AGO Jonathan Newman


A new program just passed by New York’s state government promises “free tuition” for middle-class students to attend a public college or university in the state. While there are similar programs elsewhere in the US, this is the first to include four-year schools. All of the headlines include some variation of the term free college, which makes this a great opportunity to discuss what actually happens when a government provides something for “free.” Let us consider this program from three different perspectives.


From the student’s perspective, this is another scholarship program. Indeed, it is called the “Excelsior Scholarship,” and students may apply for it to cover any tuition not already covered by other forms of financial aid. It does not cover other fees, room and board, or books, so any headline advertising “free college” is misleading. One estimate based on the cost of attending a State University of New York campus says that the new program would pay about $26,000, leaving $60,000 for the students and their families to pay. Scissors-32x32.png


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Let’s Talk About What’s Happening To The Democratic Party

The mainstream media is obsessed with how Trump is changing the GOP. But the real transformation in American politics is happening in the Democratic Party.

By John Daniel Davidson

APRIL 18, 2017

This week, newly minted Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez will travel cross-country with Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Keith Ellison on a Democratic Party “unity tour” that will take them to Maine, Kentucky, Florida, Texas, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada—mostly red states that Trump won.


The purpose of their road trip, dubbed the “Come Together And Fight Back Tour,” is to shore up a badly fractured Democratic Party and present some semblance of a united opposition to the Trump administration. (The tour is selling T-shirts that boast, “I’m one of 65,844,610 Americans against Trump.”)


Whatever the merits of hawking anti-Trump shirts and uber-progressive talking points in Grand Prairie, Texas, the fact that Perez feels the need to embark on such a tour with Sanders and Ellison in tow speaks volumes about the transformation of the Democratic Party under Obama. Scissors-32x32.png



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Tom Perez: Not a popular guy with Democrats


Democratic Party chairman Tom Perez drew a loud round of boos – not from his right-wing opponents, but from his fellow Democrats up in Bernie Sanders country at a Democratic activist event in Portland, Maine. According to The Daily Caller:


"Maybe you came though because you're curious about the new DNC chairman and the future of the Democratic party," [Maine's Young Democrats' leader Claire] Cummings said, referring to Perez.


This, time, however, the crowd reacted with boos and a few scattered cheers[.]


So much for the guy who was supposed to bring in party unity and hose out all the old Hillary Clinton apparatchiks and bring in fresh blood. He's as unpopular as she is among many Democrats.


Maybe that's because Democrats have yet to apologize to their base for cheating and rigging their primaries to ensure that Hillary Clinton would be the nominee, throwing the enthusiasm of Bernie's supporters straight into the trash bucket. Sanders was popular, and there's plenty of evidence out there that the Democratic establishment stole many primary victories from him. It certainly seemed so out in California, for one.Scissors-32x32.png



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