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The Democrats suffer from two tactical deficiencies


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strategika-issue-37-putin-and-russian-nationalismHoover Institute :

The Democrats suffer from two tactical deficiencies.

The first is that when they win, they act like they’ll never lose again; the second is that when they lose, they act like they’ll never win again. The Democrats have just lost a big one — the presidency — but both tendencies are of immediate interest.

One of the less rewarding chores assigned to conservative polemicists — a job that ought to be done by fair-minded political reporters of all persuasions — is cataloguing the endless array of double standards, ordinary hypocrisy, and heads-I-win/tails-you-lose conundrums cultivated by Democratic political operatives and their allies in the news media. This year produced a bumper crop of the stuff, much of it involving Democrats’ demand that Donald J. Trump more or less preemptively concede his loss of the presidential election to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Failure to do so — to even suggest that he might through litigation or other legal means contest the results of the election — constituted an assault upon the legitimacy of the U.S. government itself, Clinton and her allies insisted. This was tantamount to an act of war, they said, and possibly a prelude to treason: They were sure that a losing Trump would take to Twitter to inspire a coup attempt.Scissors-32x32.png



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