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Democrats’ Answer Is Always the Same: Move More Left


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democrats-answer-is-always-the-same-move-more-left.htmlThe Daily Beast:

With Hillary Clinton’s defeat the Obama era ended abruptly. This was not the outcome the polls and the media had predicted. There was conjecture that when Trump inevitably lost the election, the Republican Party would unravel and perhaps cease to exist. But now it is the Democrats who are in disarray after losing the Presidency and control of the Senate. How did this happen?


Twenty years ago, I wrote a book titled Divided They Fell: The Demise of the Democratic Party: 1964-1996. The book traced how the Democrats shifted from a mainstream centrist party to one of the left, adopting policies that eventually alienated many Americans, causing them to move over to the Republican column. The 2016 election is the result of that process.


The seeds of Trump’s victory were planted in the first “progressive” reforms instituted during and after the campaign of George McGovern in 1972, marking the beginning of the Democrats’ decline. At the Chicago convention, the McGovern Democrats pushed out the old party bosses and trade union leaders, and put in their place self-proclaimed progressives chosen by the identity group to which they belonged; i.e., African-Americans, students, women, etc.Scissors-32x32.png

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Dems wonder if 'identity politics' did them in


Some Democrats are beginning to openly wonder if identity politics did them in on election day, and left them watching Donald Trump and congressional Republicans win the White House and keep control of Congress.


The soul-searching seems likely to continue for months, possibly right up until the next election. But less than two weeks after their unexpected election day results, some are saying Democrats might be focusing too much on urban minorities and the targeting of various blocs, while ignoring the economic plight of working class votes in rural areas that the GOP overwhelmingly carried to victory.


Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who nearly clinched the Democratic nomination himself, expressed this idea openly over the weekend, and seemed to pin the blame directly on Hillary Clinton for ignoring millions of potential voters who might be willing to call the Democratic Party home, despite declining to mention her by name.




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