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The Exhausted Epithets of the Left


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the-exhausted-epithets-of-the-leftAmerican Spectator:

Barack Obama’s signature phrase, “the audacity of hope,” came from a black nationalist, Jeremiah Wright. Obama stocked his administration with black nationalists, delivered speeches to openly separatist black colleges and associations, rolled out the red carpet for Al Sharpton, encouraged the reverse racism of “Black Lives Matter,” and rationalized the behavior of athletes who protested the American flag. None of this qualified as “ethno-nationalism” in the eyes of the media. They reserve that smear for conservatives who oppose hyphenated Americanism. Those who talk about race the least get hit with the charge of racism the most.


We’re told that Trump is surrounding himself with “bomb-throwers.” Like who? Bill Ayers? In Obama’s case, the charge was literal. He blurbed the book of a domestic terrorist and launched his political career in his living room. In Trump’s case, the charge is figurative, but the Left expects Americans to tremble even more.


Wright, at the height of his black nationalism, baptized Obama and officiated at his wedding. Obama sat in his pews as he defamed America. Yet a media that managed to ignore all of this endeavored to make Trump look like a regular attendee at Klan meetings. One would have thought from the frenzied coverage that David Duke had officiated at Trump’s wedding. In fact, Trump had no association with racists and earned the exhausted epithets of the Left for nothing more than opposing its open-borders ideology.


Now, having failed to stop Trump, the Left turns to a new smear campaign against his aides. In the wake of Hillary’s defeat, a few liberals questioned the tactic of describing half the country as “deplorables” and treating any disagreement with liberal ideology as evidence of “racism.” But those doubts didn’t last long. Trump’s selection of Stephen Bannon as his chief White House strategist and senior counselor has liberals gasping anew. They point to him as a singularly sinister “white nationalist,” whose Breitbart News Network reeks of racism. But in their hastily assembled “five worst things he has said” lists, one doesn’t find any racism. All one finds is robust disagreement with the assumptions of liberalism. So what?



The failure of the leftists' narrative.

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