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Braver New World — for Now


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donald-trump-inherits-foreign-policy-domestic-troubleNational Review :

Braver New World — for Now

by Victor Davis Hanson November 10, 2016 1:19 PM


Given the status of the post-election state legislatures and executive offices, the Republican-controlled House and Senate, a Republican president, and a Supreme Court that will not go leftward for a generation, it is hard to see how conservatives could be anything other than relieved by Tuesday’s result. Even Trump’s critics must concede, one, that he incurred the right enemies, whose post-election teeth-gnashing was not unwelcome to them; two, that Phoenix-like (or to his enemies vampire-like) he was insidiously resilient, overcoming enormous odds and electioneering disasters, some self-inflicted, that would have sent most other candidates with lesser energy or purpose into therapy; and, three, that his cabinet and Supreme Court picks will likely slow the leftist trajectory of the country.


Donald Trump also did what neither Barack Obama, the Bushes, nor Mitt Romney could accomplish: He at last put the Clintons into permanent political retirement. He showed that identity politics and tribalism do not doom Republicans, that there really were “missing Romney voters,” that being politically incorrect was still a lesser sin than the censorship and restricted speech of political correctness — a fact which will have a liberating ripple effect on free expression throughout the country. Scissors-32x32.png


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Monday, November 21, 2016

Gab.Ai: Where the Front Lines of the Battle for Freedom Are

I find it necessary to fully disclose that I have no financial or personal interest in Gab.ai.


I was not paid to write this article, I do not benefit financially from doing so, but am writing it because I found it necessary as it highlights what is truly the front lines in the battle between freedom and oppression, right and wrong, free speech and political correctness. I hope anybody who is serious about these issues reads this and at minimum understands the point I am trying to make, and the importance that a platform like Gab.ai is successful.

While the presidential election of 2016 has turned social media and its many platforms into an indecipherable swamp of mudslinging, hate, death threats, accusations, slander, libel, triggering, and other forms of political drama, an infinitely more important battle is going on behind the scenes that all people must be aware of. For while SJW's are using Tumblr to campaign against whatever fabricated evil white males have perpetrated against them, and Trumpsters are using Facebook to counter-trigger those on the left, what people don't see is that more and more eyes are viewing the computer screen than the television screen. And what once was the source where Americans got their news, information, data, and empiricism from, has now gone from the television to the internet. Scissors-32x32.png



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