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Anti-Trump Protests Emerge in New York, Chicago, DC, California, Boston


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find myself agreeing with them, but not for the reason they imagine. I see their 9/11, as one that consists of the Towers of Progressive Babylon being absolutely destroyed by weapons that Progressives provided themselves & thought harmless...their egotistical & malignant ideology.


If only it were true. They will be back...they always are......unfortunately.

Say what you will about progressiveism, it is a great means of getting power, and there are always those willing to believe the lies....for whatever reason.


I wrote that, @Valin, and I agree with you...especially with our present education system creating new ideologues every day. That alone was long range planning for the purpose of destroying the American Republic from within & by degree.

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find myself agreeing with them, but not for the reason they imagine. I see their 9/11, as one that consists of the Towers of Progressive Babylon being absolutely destroyed by weapons that Progressives provided themselves & thought harmless...their egotistical & malignant ideology.


If only it were true. They will be back...they always are......unfortunately.

Say what you will about progressiveism, it is a great means of getting power, and there are always those willing to believe the lies....for whatever reason.


I wrote that, @Valin, and I agree with you...especially with our present education system creating new ideologues every day. That alone was long range planning for the purpose of destroying the American Republic from within & by degree.



That is the biggest area where we are failing our kids and country IMHO. That's where these whiney, sniveling kids we are seeing the last few days are coming from. Parents have so little time now, just trying to keep their heads above water - but involvement in school curiculum and school boards to try to turn these things around would be great. I am appalled when I hear from the kids themselves what they are being taught in History or Social Studies and NO US GOVERNMENTS courses is a travesty.

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Michael Moore on Trump: 'We Are Going to Resist. We Are Going to Oppose'


(CNSNews.com) - Now that Donald Trump has won the election, "We are going to resist. We are going to oppose," filmmaker and liberal activist Michael Moore told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday.


"These demonstrations that you're seeing in the streets? When it's in places last night like Milwaukee and Nashville, not exactly Berkeley and Ann Arbor. This is going to continue -- tonight and the next night and the next night.


"And all he (Trump) has to do is start nominating Rudy Giuliani as attorney general, and things like that, or the Supreme Court -- this is going to be a massive resistance.Scissors-32x32.png


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Michael Moore on Trump: 'We Are Going to Resist. We Are Going to Oppose'


(CNSNews.com) - Now that Donald Trump has won the election, "We are going to resist. We are going to oppose," filmmaker and liberal activist Michael Moore told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday.


"These demonstrations that you're seeing in the streets? When it's in places last night like Milwaukee and Nashville, not exactly Berkeley and Ann Arbor. This is going to continue -- tonight and the next night and the next night.


"And all he (Trump) has to do is start nominating Rudy Giuliani as attorney general, and things like that, or the Supreme Court -- this is going to be a massive resistance.Scissors-32x32.png



Michael "Sack-a-burgers" Moore loves him some "resistance" in between burping his 4th breakfast.


What exactly is, Michael Moore?


How & why did he become an arbiter of politics? He made some humorous documentaries, yes. but they appealed to the same group that is gnashing chompers at Killary's total defeat.


A reluctant Capitalist...that can't deal with the angst of making his "big money" in a society that still isn't perfectly Socialist.


A rotund incongruity...doing penance for being a wealthy bourgeoisie.


If he leads the resistance from the front, no one else will be seen.


He's Dean Wormer's (Animal House) subject of ridicule, without the humor or the humanity.



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Updates, Previews, and Reminders
Steven Hayward
Nov. 11 2016

• I had almost forgotten one of the late M. Stanton Evans’s greatest quips, suddenly more salient. Stan, my first professional mentor out of college in 1981, liked to say:

“It was really hard for us young conservatives to recover from the Goldwater defeat; it was all the worse because in those days we had no grief counselors.”


Behold today’s college campuses. Stan would not have been surprised. And I’m quite sure he’d have been for Trump from the get go.





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@Valin @SrWoodchuck @ NCT One of the woman on Fox put it in perspective today. She said she commented to her friends on FB that in WWII 18 year olds were storming the beaches of Normandy to certain death - today we are giving them safe rooms to cry cause they can't get over an election. Sheesh. That is something to think about.

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@Valin @SrWoodchuck @ NCT One of the woman on Fox put it in perspective today. She said she commented to her friends on FB that in WWII 18 year olds were storming the beaches of Normandy to certain death - today we are giving them safe rooms to cry cause they can't get over an election. Sheesh. That is something to think about.


All those poor protesting liberal men suffering electile dysfunction...

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@Valin @SrWoodchuck @ NCT One of the woman on Fox put it in perspective today. She said she commented to her friends on FB that in WWII 18 year olds were storming the beaches of Normandy to certain death - today we are giving them safe rooms to cry cause they can't get over an election. Sheesh. That is something to think about.


All those poor protesting liberal men suffering electile dysfunction...




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Yes, He’s Your President


I can’t deny a perverse, even nihilistic pleasure in the way American liberals have been melting down in the immediate wake of the election. The publication of sodden open letters to “terrified” young daughters; the raging social-media declarations that “he’s #notmypresident” from people who had seemingly seconds before expressed horror at the possibility Donald Trump himself would not honor the results; even the rioting in the streets of cities whose populaces went 80 percent for Hillary Clinton and would therefore seem to warrant being spared civil wreckage by those angered by Trump’s elevation—viewed in the proper way, these are the stuff of comedy (very dark comedy, in the case of the riots). It’s sore loserdom, sour grapes made even more sour by the fact that the people engaging in it seem to believe there is virtue and purpose in their garish public emoting.Scissors-32x32.png



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Venezuelan Diplomat Joins Chicago Communists Plotting Trump Resistance -

Communists Plot To Shut Down DC, Chicago On Inauguration Day


A Marxist, a Venezuelan diplomat and an illegal alien headlined a meeting of organizers of the Trump resistance as they announced their plan to shut down Chicago on Saturday and Washington, D.C. on Inauguration Day.


The Chicago branch of Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) met in Chicago’s northwest side neighborhood of Albany Park to plot their next move in their resistance of the Trump presidency.


Chicago ANSWER was one of the radical leftist groups that helped to organize anti-Trump protests when his campaign tried to hold a rally in March; that rally was canceled after protesters clashed with attendees.Scissors-32x32.png



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White House report card: D for Obama inciting anti-Trump protests

By Paul Bedard (@SecretsBedard) • 11/19/16 7:28 AM


This week's Weekly White House Report Card finds our grader Jed Babbin highlighting the contradictions of President Obama's last tour of Europe where he told anti-Trump protesters back home that they shouldn't stay quiet.


Jed Babbin


In British slang, the word "whinging" means complaining persistently in a peevish or irritating manner. President Obama spent most of the week whinging around Europe addressing distraught liberal leaders and other fellow globalists. His audience's' moods reflected the populist surge in Europe following the British Brexit vote and Mr. Trump's election. Obama told whoever would listen, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that globalism really wasn't dead and that his policies really had been the right things to do. That, of course, was precisely the opposite of what voters decided on November 8th. Scissors-32x32.png


With "mostly peaceful" — i.e., partly violent — demonstrations/riots in several cities Obama was given the chance to call for peace after his meeting with Merkel. Instead, he incited the demonstrators by saying that they shouldn't remain quiet. Scissors-32x32.png


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Obama’s Last Dereliction

Noah Rothman / Nov. 18, 2016

While in Germany this week, Barack Obama had the opportunity to denounce the violence and extremism exhibited by some of the thousands of anti-Trump demonstrators who have flooded American streets since the election. He declined. Scissors-32x32.png


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A Besieged Trump Presidency Ahead

Pat Buchanan | November 22, 2016


Donald Trump's presidency will be a besieged presidency, and he would do well to enlist, politically speaking, a war cabinet and White House staff that relishes a fight and does not run.

read the full article Scissors-32x32.png


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Liberals Are Losing Their Minds
Steve Hayward
Nov. 23 2016



Over at The Federalist, David Marcus relates the amazing story of what happened at a crunchy food co-op in Brooklyn when “Sweet Home Alabama” came on the store’s background music rotation:


After getting our Brazilian Arabica ground for drip (I know, I should really use a French Press), Libby and I walked towards the organic maple syrup. That’s when it started. I suppose there had been music playing in the store, but I hadn’t noticed until a familiar guitar lick pierced the air and a soft voice said, “Turn it up.”

Libby and I both stopped and looked at each other. “Seriously?” said my wife, a very disappointed Clinton supporter. She started gripping her soft Tomme Crayeuse a little too hard. By the time Ronnie Van Zant’s drawl started in with “Big wheels keep on turnin’,” everyone in the store was standing in shock. Brows were furrowed, people mumbled to each other. The song seemed to get louder as one of those New York moments happened, when everyone was thinking the exact the same thing.

A woman in her fifties, wearing a Love Trump Hates button, turned to her Brooklyn-bearded husband and said loudly, “This is unbelievable!” She found the nearest store clerk, a young woman in a green apron who was staring up at the ceiling, looking for the invisible speakers blaring this message from the other America. “This is so inappropriate,” the woman said. “Can we turn this off?”









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