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A Clinton win won’t be a victory for women but a victory for corruption


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a-clinton-win-wont-be-a-victory-for-women-but-a-victory-for-corruptionThe Blaze:

I woke up this morning with heartburn.


I’ve had it pretty bad this whole election season. I never quite expected heartburn to be a side effect of living in the final days of the Republic, but I suppose we’re all learning about this process as we go along. In any case, it’s worse today than it’s ever been because I’m anticipating all of the fawning absurdities that will be spewed forth by the media should Hillary win on Tuesday.


“History has been made!”


“A historic day for women!”


“The glass ceiling is broken!”


“This is a victory for all women!”


And on and on.


The New York Times just gave us a preview of what’s to come with an editorial (not that I can really tell the difference between their editorials and their news articles) titled “The Men Feminists Left Behind.” A typical feminist screed, full of bitterness, loneliness, and misandry, it explains how Hillary’s victory will be both an achievement for women and a long-deserved punishment of men.


We men, the author Jill Filipovic explains, have not “evolved nearly as rapidly as women.” Hillary Clinton proves that “women changed” and feminism “transformed the culture,” but men, especially white men, are still stuck in the past, chomping on our cigars and clinging to our sexism. And this is just the kind of idiocy they’re writing today. One can only imagine what they’ll say when and if she actually wins.


Of course, the idea that women — or any other group of Americans — are “exhilarated” by Hillary Clinton is plainly delusional. She may be leading among women, but most of them will vote for her simply because they find Trump slightly more detestable, just as most Trump voters will vote for him simply because they hate her a bit more. In both cases, the voters are far from “exhilarated.” No two general election candidates have been more roundly despised than these two, which means neither can do much gloating if they pull this thing off.


But that won’t stop them, obviously, and in Hillary’s case we already know what form the gloating will take. Not satisfied to merely win the presidency, she will demand that we all faint over the historic nature of her accomplishment. She will insist that, even if we disagree with her politics, we still stop to “appreciate” what an incredible moment it is “for women.” And, naturally, the slobbering sycophants in the media will be happy to comply.


That’s why I think this must be said now again, finally, once and for all: a Hillary Clinton victory will not be a victory for women. It will be a victory for the Democrats, for liberal elites, for the multiple foreign governments who’ve hacked her emails, for Wall Street bankers, for the media, for whoever stitches together her sci-fi pantsuits, for fans of spirit cooking, for her SNL impersonator; it will be a victory for all sorts of nefarious people, none more so than Hillary herself, but the average American woman will lose as much from her reign as we unevolved men.



Real women will be hardest hit.

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