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The Questions That Were Never Put (in Public)


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the-questions-that-were-never-put-in-publicMark Steyn:

The Questions That Were Never Put (in Public)

by Mark Steyn

Topical Take

October 28, 2016


The 6' 8" gummi worm who runs the FBI has been shamed by some guy holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London into reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. I suppose if you've run one sham investigation there's no harm in running a second. Happily for Hillary, the media seem more interested in a Helsinki tabloid's report that a former Miss Finland is claiming to have been "groped" by Donald Trump. At this stage the October Surprises are no longer surprising.


This one was, though: The reason for re-opening the investigation is that they stumbled across further Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner's phone. The FBI is apparently investigating Mr Weiner and his spambot penis over his text messages to a 15-year-old girl.

Hillary has spent the last year successfully avoiding the snares of her husband's sexual pathologies, only to step right into her closest confidante's husband's sexual pathologies.


There is a certain symmetry about all this. Ten months ago, way back in December 2015, I was on the radio and posed a question that caught the fancy of multiple news outlets: Scissors-32x32.png


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