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Breitbart Worked with Democrat Operative to Sabotage GOP Primary


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breitbart-worked-with-democrat-operative-to-sabotage-gop-primaryPJ Media:

Andrew Breitbart, often described as a "happy warrior" for the conservative cause, now spins in his grave. The website he founded, which still bears his name, has been corrupted into a tool of anti-governing insurgency. Its mission: destroy the Republican Party by any means necessary.


This much has appeared obvious to many for months, but has now been greatly substantiated. Breitbart.com was willing to go to any length to undermine the party, even colluding with a clandestine Democrat operative whose goals aligned with their own. From Politico:


A liberal activist and organizer coordinated with reporters from the conservative news site Breitbart during the primaries to cover his disruptions of events for candidates such as Sen. Marco Rubio.

Aaron Black, an associate with Democracy Partners and a former Occupy Wall Street organizer, worked with the pro-Trump site Breitbart, tipping it off about his stunts, exchanging raw video and coordinating coverage, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.


You may recognize Black as one of the Democrat henchmen identified in recent video exposés from James O'Keefe. Those videos revealed alleged collusion between the Democrat National Committee, political action committees, and the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Black's goal -- destroying the Republican Party through any means necessary (legal or otherwise, apparently) -- aligned with Breitbart's.Scissors-32x32.png


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Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:00 am

As Joe Cunningham reported here, POLITICO has a story that, if true, is nothing short of astounding: that Breitbart.com conspired with a rabble-rousing leftist, made famous in James O’Keefe’s recent videos, to sabotage the campaigns of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. In this post I take a more in-depth look at the allegations and the publicly available evidence to support them.


The upshot is that, in addition to Hadas Gold’s anonymous source, ample publicly available evidence ties in Breitbart.com to Democrat dirty trickster Aaron Black. Gold’s piece cites this evidence, but a close analysis of that evidence tends to strongly corroborate the inference that Breitbart.com’s Matt Boyle coordinated with the Dem operative Black. And since Steve Bannon was in charge of Breitbart.com at the time, and is now a top official in Donald Trump’s campaign . . . this means that the O’Keefe videos may be a problem, not just for Hillary’s campaign, but for Donald Trump’s as well.


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I'd like to say I'm shocked and surprised at this.....I really really would.

Andrew Breitbart, often described as a "happy warrior" for the conservative cause, now spins in his grave. The website he founded, which still bears his name, has been corrupted into a tool of anti-governing insurgency. Its mission: destroy the Republican Party by any means necessary.

This much has appeared obvious to many for months, but has now been greatly substantiated. Breitbart.com was willing to go to any length to undermine the party, even colluding with a clandestine Democrat operative whose goals aligned with their own. From Politico:

A liberal activist and organizer coordinated with reporters from the conservative news site Breitbart during the primaries to cover his disruptions of events for candidates such as Sen. Marco Rubio.
Aaron Black, an associate with Democracy Partners and a former Occupy Wall Street organizer, worked with the pro-Trump site Breitbart, tipping it off about his stunts, exchanging raw video and coordinating coverage, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.

You may recognize Black as one of the Democrat henchmen identified in recent video exposés from James O'Keefe. Those videos revealed alleged collusion between the Democrat National Committee, political action committees, and the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Black's goal -- destroying the Republican Party through any means necessary (legal or otherwise, apparently) -- aligned with Breitbart's.Scissors-32x32.png

coexistYnot10 hours ago

PJ a tool of the left.

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