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Hillary Donor Called Money In Politics A Threat To Democracy Before Secretly Paying Government Officials


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hillary-donor-called-money-in-politics-a-threat-to-democracy-before-secretly-paying-government-officialsDaily Caller:

In a private 2012 board meeting, Democratic mega-donor George Soros said the rise of money in politics poses a threat to democracy.


Hacked internal documents from Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) were published by hacktivist organization DCLeaks this summer, but Mr. Soros’s comments in a September 2012 board meeting have gone unreported until now.


Included in the DCLeaks dump were the meeting minutes from an OSF board meeting in New York City on Sept. 26 and 27, 2012.


The meeting was attended by OSF board members (including Soros), as well as prominent progressive leaders like Janet Murguia, president of the National Council of La Raza, a liberal Hispanic advocacy organization that promotes open-border policies.



Big money is bad, except when it's used for your side...

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