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WSJ Columnist Peggy Noonan: If Trump wasn’t a ‘nut,’ he’d beat Clinton in a ‘landslide’


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wsj-columnist-peggy-noonan-if-trump-wasnt-a-nut-hed-beat-clinton-in-a-landslideThe Blaze:

Republican nominee Donald Trump would be in good shape to win the White House if only he wasn’t a “nut,” according to Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan.


In her Thursday column, Noonan laments over Trump’s behavior throughout the election, while pondering what the Republican party looks like post-Trump.


“The Republican Party will now begin the long process of redefining itself or continue its long national collapse,” Noonan wrote. “This is an epochal event. It happened because Donald Trump intuited where things were and are going.”


Because she is “more in accord with Mr. Trump’s stands than not,” Noonan went on to pose a question: “What if there had been a Sane Donald Trump?”


If the billionaire businessman were “sane” and not a “nut,” according to Noonan, then he would be winning in a “landslide” over Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton.



The crazy versus the crooked?

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