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Dinesh D'Souza Dropped the Mic on 'Never Trump' Christians


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Dinesh D'Souza Dropped the Mic on 'Never Trump' Christians

8:00AM EDT 10/18/2016 Bob Eschliman



Dinesh D'Souza spoke to students at Liberty University about their responsibility to vote. (Video Screenshot Image)


Best-selling author, documentary filmmaker and accomplished debater Dinesh D'Souza spoke at Liberty University's Convocation, and he had an important message for the students—many of whom have been critical of their university president of late.


While much of the discussion focused on the subject matter of his newest book, What's So Great About Christianity, he also took the time to address the matter of Christians' responsibility to vote. It was, for lack of a better term, what the students themselves would've called a "mic drop."


There is a distinct difference between intentions and consequences, he said. And while a Christian might act out of the purest of intentions, it can still result in terrible consequences. He used the struggle of the abolitionist movement in the mid-1800s as his example, saying abolitionists—until they aligned with the Republican Party—spent much of their time burning copies of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and criticizing the Founding Fathers for allowing slavery to begin with. Scissors-32x32.png





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What I find interesting is so many of the same people who criticized people like me for voting for "The Lesser Of Two Evils" the candidate who was not Pure As The Driven Snow, now criticized people like me for not being sufficiently enthusiastic about a candidate who is not quite Pure As The Driven Snow. If you say anything critical of DT (in their black and white world) that means you want Hillary Clinton to win.

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What I find interesting is so many of the same people who criticized people like me for voting for "The Lesser Of Two Evils" the candidate who was not Pure As The Driven Snow, now criticized people like me for not being sufficiently enthusiastic about a candidate who is not quite Pure As The Driven Snow. If you say anything critical of DT (in their black and white world) that means you want Hillary Clinton to win.


thank you "SIR"

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