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When Every GOP Presidential Nominee Is the Worst Republican Ever


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mitt-romney-progressives-respect-hypocriticalNational Review:

The progressive playbook never changes.


Of all the great American political traditions, there is perhaps none more instructive than the progressive tendency to sentimentalize Republicans from years past. You can effectively set your watch by it: Whatever Republican ran for office four or eight or twelve years ago is bound to be looked upon far more favorably than whatever Republican is currently on the ticket.


At no time is this phenomenon more apparent than during the madhouse 2016 election, which has caused many on the left to take a misty-eyed walk down Republican Memory Lane. At the Washington Post back in March, Dana Milbank admitted, “Donald Trump makes me miss George W. Bush.” Milbank actually said the same thing in 2014 in response to the rise of the Tea Party. Yet at the same time he claimed that, were Bush still in office, “we might be at war with Iran and North Korea by now, and perhaps Portugal.”Scissors-32x32.png

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This article is about the Left praising past candidates after they demonized them big time during the election - but it is even more true about past Presidents. Praising Reagan or HWB or Lincoln. This morning there are a couple of articles about how gracious HWBush turned the reigns of power over to Clinton with a very nice letterrolleyes.gif Why do I never hear them wanting to emulate Carter, or LBJ or even Kennedy??

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