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Gross: Hillary Campaign Bus Caught Dumping Human Waste in Georgia


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gross-hillary-campaign-bus-caught-dumping-human-waste-in-georgiaPJ Media:

A HAZMAT crew had to be called in to clean up after a Clinton campaign bus illegally dumped human waste into a storm drain in Lawrenceville, Georgia, Tuesday morning. Now there is an investigation to find out how that happened.


Via CBS46:


Police say when they arrived on the scene, toilet paper was scattered everywhere and there was a foul smell.

A Lawrenceville businessman took several photos of the tour bus dumping waste into the storm drain. You can see in the pictures, a liquid coming from the bottom of the bus.Scissors-32x32.png




This is multiple violations!!!!!! - Oh wait - it's the Democrats and the Clintons - that makes it a double exemption and Okie Dokieangry.png

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DNC’s ‘Honest Mistake’ Defense of Dumping Sewage Hasn’t Worked for Average Americans

Dumping raw sewage into a storm drain is a federal crime that has landed some unaware Americans in prison.


Someone aboard a bus chartered by the Democratic National Committee, which depicted the Democratic presidential and vice presidential candidates, reportedly dumped sewage into a storm drain in Lawrenceville, Georgia.


A DNC spokesperson described the sewage dump as “an honest mistake,” but it is actually a crime, and individuals have been criminally prosecuted for similar “honest mistakes” in the past.

This incident presents a familiar problem (one raised by the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2015 Animas River spill), that the government must choose: either stop prosecuting ordinary citizens for “criminal negligence” or enforce the same laws against more powerful or well-known parties.


At around 9:30 a.m., a man reported seeing someone get out of a DNC-chartered bus “and dump ‘it’s sewage into the storm drain.’”Scissors-32x32.png



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