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What Should Americans Be Talking About?


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us-election-issuesGatestone Institute:

Should Americans uphold the Judeo-Christian values, which have governed Western civilization until now? Or should they quietly allow the defeat of those values by a false liberalism -- false, because it is anything but liberal -- which will allow values, such as that of Islamic sharia religious law to settle over the United States? Will people willingly surrender their own culture in order to avoid becoming victims of intimidation?


Worse, these policies often come in the seemingly benign-sounding terms of "diversity", "multiculturalism", "peace", "anti-racism", and "human rights"; but are often used in an Orwellian way to mean their own opposites. "Diversity" means, "It is great to look different so long as you think the same way I do" and is also an acceptance of Islamic values. "Anti-racism" often means, in a racist way, anti-white or anti-Jew. "Human rights" now means a political agenda. "Peace" is used to mean the destruction of Israel. "Multiculturalism" means any culture except the Judeo-Christian one -- regardless of whether that culture supports denigrating women, slavery, flogging, amputating limbs, murdering gays and the intolerance of all other religions and cultures. These inversions of language are having devastating consequences not only on university campuses, but also throughout the U.S. and abroad.


"The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all [that] the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers..." -- Muslim Brotherhood, 1991.


The question of whether to submit to these policies, as Europe is doing, or to uphold freedom, as Israel is doing, has arrived in the United States. The choice Americans make will immeasurably affect not just the US, but, despite sounding melodramatic, the future of Western civilization.Scissors-32x32.png

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