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A Suddenly Prudish Press


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A Suddenly Prudish Press

TL Davis: American Exceptionalism





Christian Mercenary

Perhaps one needed to be alive and cognizant of the political world in the 1990's in order to understand the absolute ridiculousness of the media's proclaimed prudishness when it comes to Trump's off-color remarks. They had no such blushing revulsion when they discussed presidential semen on a blue dress. Back then, it was "just sex" as if it was common for men in power to entice, seduce and engage in extra-marital sex with 20-year-old interns.


Even when Bill Clinton lied before a federal grand jury denying that sex took place between himself and Monica Lewinsky, the prudes in the media championed his excuse that everyone lies about sex. That it was common for men in power (though don't be a Republican and try it) to engage in sex and then lie about it to their wives and even the public when caught. It was natural. Which was news to men like myself, who were married and would consider such behavior a complete violation of trust and betrayal of the one steadfast partner I had in life. Scissors-32x32.png

Posted By Brock Townsend at Tuesday, October 11, 2016 No comments: Links to this post


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Looking Down-Ticket


Quinn the Eskimo October 12, 2016 33 COMMENTS


I’ve heard rumors and rumblings that some people are considering voting for Donald Trump but not voting for down-ticket Republicans. This, I presume, is in retaliation for Republican officials and candidates un-endorsing Trump after the release of the Access Hollywood tape on Friday.


If this were satire, this would be a perfect ending. As a real event with real consequences, there is a certain logic to it all that doesn’t make it any less bitter. The Republican Party is a group of factions with a common enemy rather than a common agenda. And, in all honesty, the only thing that average Republican seems to hate more than a Democrat is a Republican from another faction. So it seems fitting for everyone to root for everyone else’s defeat at the end. Scissors-32x32.png


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October 12, 2016

Saving Private Ryan and His Republican Quislings

By Brian C. Joondeph

Imagine it’s winter, the skies cloud over, and a few snowflakes begin falling. The schools immediately close and send students home. Businesses shut down for the day dismissing all employees. The local airport cancels all flights in and out. Just for some snow flurries. Will the clouds pass and the sun emerge an hour later or will the snow intensify into a blizzard? Not knowing, why would everyone run for cover as if the end times were approaching?

Instead it’s another Donald Trump storm. He said something outrageous, crass, and totally unacceptable for a potential President of the United States. Only this time he said it 11 years ago, as a private citizen, not as a candidate for anything other than the next hotel owner or reality television show host. Snow flurries or a blizzard?


Last weekend the political weather forecasters predicted a blizzard. The smart set hosting the weekend cable show, along with their brilliant guests, were predicting Trump’s Waterloo. The same clairvoyants who predicted that Trump would never win the nomination. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/10/saving_private_ryan_and_his_republican_quislings.html

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To Restore Article II, Elect Trump

Contributor Rand Simberg October 13, 2016 12 COMMENTS


A little over 42 years ago, Sen. Barry Goldwater and Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott, both Republicans, went to the White House and told Republican President Richard Nixon that he didn’t have sufficient support in the Senate to avoid removal from office if the House impeached him, as seemed almost certain as revelations continued to pile up in the Watergate scandal. As a result, he became the first president in US history to resign from office to avoid becoming the first to be impeached and removed under Article II Section 4 of the Constitution.


About a quarter of a century later, Democrats in the Senate refused to remove a Democrat President who had violated his oath of office and obstructed justice, by perjuring himself, and suborning perjury from others via bribes and physical threats, in order to prevent a young woman from whom he had demanded sexual servicing from getting a fair trial Scissors-32x32.png


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