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Clinton Cannot Be Sworn-In. Why?


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Clinton Cannot Be Sworn-In. Why?

By James Raider 4 Comments Sat, Oct, 8th, 2016 728 views

The Hillary Clinton gems of dishonesty are endless, and in these last weeks of the Presidential campaign, flow faster than the mighty Mississippi swollen by snow melts in the Spring. The deceptions are typical of the Clinton machine and although we often give a pass to mendacious tendencies of politicians, Clinton has been exposed to perceiving Americans with contempt. There is even worse that she cannot escape.


She has thrown her lot in with senior bankers. Pretend all she might otherwise, this is not disputable. She has denigrated police forces across the Nation with blanket insults. This is also indisputable. Her disdain and disrespect for her fellow Americans would still not be enough to prevent her from becoming President and Commander In Chief. A portion of her assault on what has made America the most successful experiment in human governance, however, precludes her from occupying the Oval Office. Scissors-32x32.png


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