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Key Hillary claims to the FBI don’t pass the straight face test


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Paul Mirengoff

September 2, 2016


Last month, after Hillary Clinton opened up a nice lead over Donald Trump, word was that she planned to win the election by “running out the clock.” Something like this seems also to have been her strategy during her interview with the FBI.


Knowing that the investigation was drawing to a close, and quite possibly knowing via Loretta Lynch or other sources that she was going to skate, Clinton’s approach during the interview was mainly to say that she could not recall important details or specific emails she was questioned about. When “I don’t recall” wouldn’t cut it, e.g., because she was shown a document, Clinton resorted to “I don’t know.” This is what emerges from the FBI’s interview notes that were released today, along with a summary of the bureau’s investigation.


Despite Clinton’s “I don’t recall” approach, the documents released by the FBI contain some pretty startling information. The most significant may be the revelation that Team Clinton began wiping Hillary’s server shortly after the New York Times broke the story that she had one. The wiping occurred in March 2015, years after Clinton left office. Clearly, the emails were deleted because the Times story triggered fears that contents would be revealed.


Moreover, the purge took place just a few weeks after Clinton tweeted that she wanted the public to see her emails. On March 4, 2105 she wrote:






Somethings Never Change


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Hillary Clinton is a big fat liar
Scott Johnson
Sept. 2 2016

Leafing through the FBI’s 302 of its interview with Hillary Clinton, one might come away with the impression that she is a big fat idiot (to borrow the inelegant locution of Minnesota’s unfunniest former comedian). That impression would be justified based on the text of the interview notes, but it would be mistaken. Rather, Hillary Clinton is a big fat liar.


Well, okay, we knew that. The seriousness and absurdity of the lies she has retailed have never been quite so apparent. You might say that her lies are the only thing transparent about her. How she is to be hoisted upward to the presidency of the United States is less a feat of political engineering than a triumph of the will.


The Clintons have soiled everything and everyone they touch. In this case, FBI Director James Comey has made himself a laughingstock. We knew that already too. The 302 just puts an exclamation point on it.






Scott, Tell Us How You Really Feel. laugh.png

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Hillary Clinton’s Mind-Boggling FBI Interview – What Was Cheryl Mills Doing There?
Andrew C. McCarthy
September 2, 2016

As David and Rich have already noted, the FBI-302 report of the interview of Hillary Clinton, along with the other notes of investigation released today, make for mind boggling reading. Most bracing is the fact that Mrs. Clinton had her server wiped clean sometime between March 25 and 31, 2015, only three weeks after the New York Times on March 3 broke the story of the server system’s existence. David notes that, at the same time the Democrats’ Janus-faced presidential nominee was outwardly taking the position that she “want[ed] the public to see my email,” she was having her minions frantically purge her emails behind the scenes.


Among the most eye-popping claims Clinton made to the FBI was that she was unfamiliar with the markings on classified documents. Yes, you read that correctly: one of the highest ranking national security officials in the United States government – an official whose day-to-day responsibilities extensively involved classified information; who had secure facilities installed in her two homes (in addition to her office) so she could review classified information in them; and who acknowledged to the FBI that, as secretary of state, she was designated by the president as “an Original Classification Authority,” meaning she had the power to determine what information should be classified and at what level – had the audacity to tell the interviewing agents that she did not know what the different classification symbols in classified documents signified.




There is no way Mills should have been permitted to participate as a lawyer in the process of producing Clinton’s emails to the State Department nearly two years after they’d both left. I thought it was astonishing that the Justice Department indulged her attorney-client privilege claim, which frustrated the FBI’s ability to question her on a key aspect of the investigation. But it is simply unbelievable to find her turning up at Mrs. Clinton’s interview – participating in the capacity of a lawyer under circumstances where Clinton was being investigated over matters in which Mills participated as a non-lawyer government official.



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FBI Interview Catches Hillary Clinton In Multiple Lies

SEPTEMBER2, 2016 By Bre Payton

The FBI just released notes from its July 2 interview with Hillary Clinton about her use of a private, unsecured email server during her tenure as secretary of State. Their findings don’t look good for Clinton.


Days after the interview, which was not recorded, FBI director James Comey publicly held a press conference urging the Department of Justice not to press any criminal charges against Clinton, despite her “extremely careless” handling of classified information.


In the FBI report, Clinton made statements that appear to either contradict her earlier remarks about the email scandal or to be flat-out lies.


Clinton has repeatedly said she has turned over all of her work-related emails on her private server, but the FBI report stated they found 17,448 emails she failed to turn over to the Inspector General. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://thefederalist.com/2016/09/02/fbi-interview-catches-hillary-clinton-in-multiple-lies-private-server/

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Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:21 am

[guest post by Dana]


Dazed and confused, indeed:


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her staffers employed an informal and sometimes haphazard system for exchanging and storing sensitive information and were at times either unaware or unconcerned with State Department policy, documents from an FBI investigation into her private email server system show.


The documents reveal a myriad of new details about the email set-up and show that investigators found multiple attempts by hackers to access Clinton’s system — a series of personal devices and servers that the Democratic presidential candidate told investigators she used as a matter of convenience while she was secretary of state.


The materials, which include a summary of the FBI’s entire investigation as well as Clinton’s hours-long interview with agents in July, contain no major revelations. But they offer new details that Clinton’s political opponents will be able use in the months leading up to the November election. The summary shows that Clinton’s account to law enforcement was generally consistent with what she has said about her email situation publicly, but she repeatedly told agents she could not recall important details or specific emails she was questioned about.

The NY Post summed up Clinton’s recklessness: Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://patterico.com/2016/09/03/the-sadly-dazed-and-confused-hillary-clinton/

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The FBI Found Clinton’s Smoking Gun, Threw It Away, and Told Us on Labor Day Weekend


By Steve Berman | September 3, 2016, 12:14pm


It’s Labor Day weekend, and I’m doing exactly what the FBI, the mainstream media, and Hillary Clinton expect me to be doing today. Nothing. Maybe some football. Not reading through the FBI’s notes on the Clinton investigation.

In this, their scheme worked. Dump the data when America is completely disconnected and distracted, knowing that sometime in the next 48 hours Donald Trump will save Clinton by doing or saying something to make a headline. The country will move on by Tuesday.


But I’m going to be lazy here and rely on the yeoman’s work done by Streiff and Susan Wright at RedState. (Streiff was my original mentor when I diaried there. Without him I would not be much of a writer.)


You really have appreciate the relationship the Clinton criminal empire has with coincidence. Just when it looks like they’ve been vanquished, the arise again like a vampire from the Pit because the wooden stake, coincidentally, was made in China from ox dung. Scissors-32x32.png


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The FBI’s Clinton File Vanishing digital devices, memory lapses and withheld emails.

Sept. 2, 2016 6:47 p.m. ET / 946 COMMENTS


The Federal Bureau of Investigation waited until the Friday afternoon before Labor Day weekend to release its investigation summary and interview notes with Hillary Clinton about her private email server, and no wonder. The new information makes a hash of what’s left of the former Secretary of State’s credibility.


Mrs. Clinton is running for President as an experienced statesman, but her handling of classified material was even more reckless about state secrets and disdainful of public records laws than even we had thought. Start with her convenient memory lapses.


For example, Mrs. Clinton told the FBI that she “did not know” that the “©” marks on classified material meant classified and “speculated it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order.” Yet in her famous—and last—press conference about the emails in March 2015 she said, “I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.” Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.wsj.com/articles/the-fbis-clinton-file-1472856453

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