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Turkey fires 21,000 teachers and demands suspension of every university dean in country in post-coup crackdown


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turkey-demands-resignation-of-every-university-dean-in-country-aThe Telegraph UK:

Zia Weise Josie Ensor, Istanbul

19 July 2016





Turkey’s post-coup crackdown took a more sinister turn on Tuesday after tens of thousands of teachers were fired and all the country’s university deans were told they faced suspension.


The licences of 21,000 staff working in private schools were revoked, more than 15,000 employees at the education ministry were sacked, and the state-run higher education council demanded the resignation of 1,577 university deans.


The purge is part of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s heavy-handed attempt to root out supporters of Fethullah Gülen, the US-based cleric accused of orchestrating the failed revolt, whose movement is accused of infiltrating state institutions.




The suspensions followed Monday’s purge targeting other ministries and state institutions.


The employees include 9,000 police, 2,745 judges, 8,777 from the interior ministry 1,500 from the finance ministry, 257 staff working at the prime minister’s office, at least 100 from the National Intelligence Agency MIT, 399 from the family and social affairs ministry and 492 from the religious affairs ministry.


Officials signalled that the country was to undergo further major changes in the coming days. Mevlut Cavusoglu, the foreign minister, cancelled his visit to Washington to attend a National Security Council meeting tomorrow, where Mr Erdogan said that he would issue an “important announcement” following the meeting.



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Turkey reportedly issues warrants for 42 journalists in crackdown after failed coup


Turkey on Monday issued warrants for the detention of 42 journalists suspected of links to the alleged organizers of a failed military uprising, intensifying concerns that a sweeping crackdown on alleged coup plotters could target media for any news coverage critical of the government.


While the Turkish government said it is investigating the journalists for possible criminal conduct rather than their reporting, critics warned that a state of emergency imposed after the July 15 coup attempt poses a threat to freedom of expression.


"We fear there will be a witch hunt which would include journalists known as `critical' against the government. Because they are putting all journalists into one bag," said Ahmet Abakay, president of the Progressive Journalists' Association, a media group based in the Turkish capital Ankara. He said the situation was "very dangerous for every journalist" and that government warnings to reporters to be careful would lead to self-censorship.


"By rounding up journalists, the government is failing to make a distinction between criminal acts and legitimate criticism," said Gauri van Gulik, Amnesty International's deputy director for Europe.Scissors-32x32.png



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Turkish foreign minister says purge of ambassadors next


Turkey’s foreign minister has announced he will be removing ambassadors with connections to the failed coup, as he warned the US of a diplomatic crisis if it did not hand over its chief suspect.


Mevlut Cavusoglu said ties with its Nato ally would suffer if Washington refused to extradite Fethullah Gulen, the exiled Islamic cleric accused by Turkey of masterminding the putsch from his home in rural Pennsylvania.


Mr Gulen, 75, whose foundation runs a global network of schools, charities and media interests, has strongly denied the accusations.


The US had repeatedly told Turkey it must provide clear evidence of Mr Gulen’s involvement before it would consider such a request. Mr Cavusoglu is heading to Washington this week to discuss the matter, but lawyers said the process, if launched, could take years.




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Turkish Airlines fires 211 employees following coup attempt


ANKARA, Turkey – Turkish Airlines says it has terminated the contracts of 211 employees, joining a government purge of people suspected of links to a U.S.-based cleric whom authorities accuse of orchestrating Turkey's failed coup.


The national carrier said Monday the contracts were canceled due to "nonfulfillment of performance standards" and in line with the "necessary actions" the company was taking against Fethullah Gulen's movement.


The company said it had "acknowledged our responsibility to terminate malevolent, illegal attempts."Scissors-32x32.png



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Turkey and Erdogan: Here comes the (real) caliphate - Ralph Peters


If today’s Western leaders possess one general trait, it’s a genius for self-deception. Insisting that Islamist terror has nothing to do with Islam, or that religion has no strategic impact, or that all human beings want freedom and democracy, amounts to declaring that up is down, right is left and night is day.


And midnight is coming for millions in Turkey, even as we insist that a dying flashlight is the sun.


Over the past few years, many Americans heard the term “caliphate” for the first time as ISIS declared that the territory it seized from Iraq and Syria was the caliphate reborn. To us, “caliphate” appeared to be just another name for a vast torture chamber. But for hundreds of millions of Muslims, many of whom have nothing to do with ISIS, the caliphate is associated with a lost and much-romanticized golden age when the caliph, who was also the Turkish sultan, claimed spiritual dominion over all Muslims.


In the 14th century, the Ottomans revived the still-older concept of a caliphate, declaring that the sultan and caliph were one. It remained so until 1924, when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the great modernizer, abolished the office as a relic, insisting that Turks had to build a new Turkey and not lay claim to an enervating empire, temporal or spiritual.




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Putin’s Sinister Role in the Failed Turkish Coup


One group that stands to gain significantly from Erdogan’s “purges” are the local proponents of Eurasianist thinking. In the days leading up to the attempted coup, Alexandr Dugin—the Russian ideologue who is the father of the modern “Eurasian Movement” and a favorite Kremlin harbinger of conflict and annexation—was sitting in Ankara, alternatively visiting with leading Turkish Eurasianists and close allies of President Erdogan.


Dugin, as Georgia and Ukraine have learned, is rarely near a conflict by chance, often providing both the ideological foundations for modern Russian expansionism and a kind of advance team for local mobilization.


As early as 2004, U.S. officials warned that Putin aimed to detach Turkey from the West. Could the rapid realignment underway after the coup indicate that Russia’s hybrid war to capture Turkey into its geopolitical orbit is yielding results?


A TV coup?

In the aftermath of the failed coup in Turkey, more than 6,000 members of the military have been arrested; more than 50,000 education personnel, police, judges, and civil servants have been fired; and millions of academics have been banned from leaving the country until potential connections to the coup plot are evaluated. The speed with which the “enemies lists” were produced, and with which the arrests were conducted, has led to questions from European officials about the government’s preparations in advance of the coup.

But the “conspiracy theories” spinning out of recent events both mask and expose a deep geopolitical shift underway in Turkey that could have profound consequences for NATO and American allies in the region.Scissors-32x32.png


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Wikipeadia: Eurasianism


Found this The Fourth Political Theory
beyond left and right but against the center

To say the least this is...interesting.....and not in a good way.

Global Revolutionary Alliance
(program, principles, strategy)

Dissatisfied all over the world, unite!
Part 1

Situation of the end

1. We live at the end of the historical cycle. All processes that constitute the flow of history have come to a logical impasse.

a. The end of capitalism. The development of capitalism has reached its natural limit. There is only one path left to the world economic system — to collapse in upon itself. Based on a progressive increase of purely financial institutions, first banks, and then more complex and sophisticated stock structures, the system of modern capitalism has become completely divorced from reality, from the balance of supply and demand, from the production and consumption ratio, from connection with a real life. All the wealth of the world is concentrated in the hands of the world’s financial oligarchy by complicated manipulations of constructed financial pyramids. This oligarchy has devalued not only labor, but also the capital connected to the market fundamentals, secured through financial rent. All other economic forces are in bondage to this impersonal transnational ultraliberal elite. Regardless of how we feel about capitalism, it is clear now, that it is not just going through another crisis, but that the entire system stands on the verge of total collapse.

No matter how the global oligarchy tries to conceal the ongoing collapse from the masses of the world’s population, more and more people begin to suspect that this is inevitable, and that the global financial crisis, caused by the collapse of the U.S. mortgage market and major banks is only the beginning of a global catastrophe.
This catastrophe can be delayed, but it cannot be prevented or avoided. The world economy, in the form in which it now operates is doomed.

b. The end of resources. In the current demographic situation, taking into account the steady growth of world population, especially in Third World countries, Humanity has come close to exhausting the earth’s natural resources, necessary not just to maintain current consumption levels, but for sheer survival at minimal levels. We are fast approaching the Limits to Growth, and global hunger, deprivation, and epidemics will become the new norm. We have exceeded the carrying capacity for the Earth. Hence, we face an imminent demographic catastrophe. The more people that are born today, the greater the ultimate suffering will be. This dilemma has no easy solution. But to pretend that it doesn’t exist is to walk blind into the worst case scenario of global collective suicide as a species at the hands of our own economic system and growth.

c. The end of society. Under the influence of Western and American values the atomization of societies, not connected with each other by any bonds, is in full swing. Cosmopolitanism and a new nomadism has become the most common lifestyle, especially for the younger generation. This coupled with economic instability and environmental catastrophe provokes unprecedented migration flows, which destroys entire societies.

Cultural, national, and religious ties are broken, social contracts are broken, and organic connections are severed. We live in a world of lonely crowds, societies atomized by the cult of individualism. Cosmopolitan loneliness becomes the norm, and implodes cultural identities. Societies are replaced with nomadism and the coldness of the digital web, which dissolve organic historical collectives. At the same time culture, language, morality, tradition, values and the family as an institution disappear.






Sort of a combination of Nationalism, Mysticism, with a large dose of Will To Power.

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@Valin - did you get that from Kwarxwink.png Seriously though, some of these things (real or imaginary) could (and some are) really cause some chaos in the big round sphere.

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@Valin - did you get that from Kwarx;) Seriously though, some of these things (real or imaginary) could (and some are) really cause some chaos in the big round sphere.


I had not heard of Eurasianism, but thanks to Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism, I looked at the roots of fascism....let's just say I see a lot of similarities between Eurasianism and fascism (particularly the German Brand)


The Eurasianist Threat

Putin’s ambitions extend far beyond Ukraine.

By Robert Zubrin — March 3, 2014



Sort of a combination of Nationalism, Mysticism, with a large dose of Will To Power.

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Thousands of Turkey coup prisoners 'raped, starved and hogtied'


Turkish troops imprisoned after the failed military coup are being raped, starved and left without water for days, it is claimed.


Many of the 10,000 detainees are locked up in horses’ stables and sports halls - some hogtied in horrific stress positions, according to human rights campaigners.


Amnesty International has called for immediate access to prisoners after the coup a week ago which sparked a brutal crackdown and a three-month state of emergency.


More than 200 died in the uprising which aimed to topple dictatorial President Recep Erdogan - and 1,500 were injured.


Amnesty says it has ‘credible evidence’ Turkish police are holding detainees in stress positions for up to 48 hours, denying them food, water and medical treatment and in the worst cases some have been subjected to severe beatings and torture, including rape.Scissors-32x32.png



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Erdogan will be stronger after the failed coup, but Turkey could be the loser


The failed military coup is a disaster for Turkey, but its success would have been a far greater calamity. If the plotters had killed or captured President Recep Tayyip Erdogan then other parts of the armed forces might have joined them, but a civil war would have been inevitable as the security forces split and Erdogan’s supporters fought back.

The disaster is that it will now be much more difficult for Turks to resist Erdogan establishing a monopoly of power. By resisting the coup as the leader of a democratically-elected government, he has enhanced his legitimacy. Moreover, all opposition to his rule can be labelled as support for terrorism and punished as such.

“Human rights and democracy will be weaker and they were already in a bad way before the coup,” says a critic of Erdogan, who does not want his name published, adding that it is difficult for him to criticise Erdogan today while he is under threat from military conspirators. He has no doubt that the attempted putsch was carried out by the followers of Fethullah Gulen, who has lived in the US since 1999. Leaving aside the confessions of the plotters, which may have been forced, only the Gulenists had a network of adherents capable of staging an uprising in so many units of the security forces.


“Fethullah did not help us, he killed us,” says the Turkish commentator bitterly. “He left us totally in the hands of Erdogan.”Scissors-32x32.png


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Democratic Authoritarianism in Turkey

What began as a rallying cry for “democracy” has now turned into a purge of dissenters. The failed coup in Turkey, whether a “Reichstag” moment or simply a pathetic attempt at a coup, has given Erdoğan the excuse to declare a state of emergency, suspend human rights, and purge dissenters from any position of power. Standing up for democracy, then, is leading to the destruction of democracy.


Erdoğan is not only torturing and raped soldiers, but going after schools, charities,unions, the very media that defending him during the coup, and even Turkey’s Supreme Court. And these decrees “have the force of law and can’t be appealed.” By “defending democracy”, the useful tools are now finding themselves without the rule of law; by “defending democracy” they got an authoritarian dictator. Rather than allow the military to be a “defender of secular democracy” as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk envisioned it, Erdoğan now wants absolute control over the military. Past coups led to stabilization and a return to democracy; ironically by “defending democracy”, democracy might fade away for good Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://politicalhat.com/2016/08/01/democratic-authoritarianism-in-turkey/

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Turkey issues arrest warrants for 29 academics
Dozens of personnel at Katip Çelebi University arrested or suspended over failed coup to oust Erdogan
Stuart Winer
August 24, 2016

A Turkish court Tuesday ordered the arrests of dozens of members of staff at a state-run university in an ongoing crackdown following a failed coup attempt last month.

An Izmur court issued arrest warrants for 29 academics and staff at İzmir Katip Çelebi University in connection with coup plot, the Turkish Minute website reported.

Turkish authorities accuse US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, a staunch critic of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime, of organizing the July 15 coup attempt.

Among those on the arrest list were the university’s former deputy rector, Professor Tancan Uysal, who in the 2015 elections ran in Justice and Development Party (AK Party) which was formerly led by Erdogan.



One of coup plot leaders was Clinton donor: Report
Aug. 24 2016

One of the suspected leaders of the July 15 failed coup attempt, for whom an arrest warrant has been issued, was at the center of a group of suspicious 2014 contributions to a super political action committee (PAC) supporting Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, according to an analysis by USA TODAY.

A company created by Adil Öksüz, who is believed to have ties to U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, made a $5,000 donation to the Ready for Hillary PAC, a group preparing for Clinton’s presidential campaign, according to the report on Aug. 24.

“A company called Harmony Enterprises gave $5,000 to the PAC on June 27, 2014, campaign finance records show. Öksüz registered Harmony in New Jersey in 2010, according to state corporate records. It is the only campaign donation the company had ever made,” the report read, as it added that the Clinton campaign, which did not control the operations of the super PAC, didn’t provide a response to USA TODAY’s questions.

“The company website suggests it is a paper manufacturing business, but the address listed on the corporate records is a used-car lot on a highway in Lodi, N.J. Harmony’s phone number is disconnected,” it added.


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