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Facebook Puts Up Massive ‘Black Lives Matter’ Banner At HQ Following Dallas Shootings


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Despite remaining under scrutiny for liberal bias, Facebook has used the aftermath of the Dallas shootings to pander to Black Lives Matter, hoisting a giant banner featuring the slogan on their Menlo Park Campus this weekend.

The giant sign spelled out the words “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” with the words formed from the names of black people whose deaths attracted national attention.


The name of Emmett Till, who was lynched in 1955 after he flirted with a white woman appears alongside the name of Michael Brown, who was shot in August 2014 after he robbed a convenience store, physically attacked a police officer and attempted to seize his sidearm. How the two cases can be compared was not made clear by Facebook, but Breitbart readers can of course make their minds up for themselves.


Facebook put up the sign on Friday, a day after black supremacist Micah Xavier Johnson carried out a massacre of police officers in Dallas, Texas during a Black Lives Matter protest in the city, killing five and wounding eight others. Naturally, the names of these police officers did not appear on Facebook’s sign.Scissors-32x32.png

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A Special Message From Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick

Monday is Police Officer's Memorial Day in the United States - a day to honor federal, state, and local officers who have been killed or disabled in the line of duty. Tragically, Texas has lost more law enforcement officers in the line of duty this past year than any other state in America

Friday, May 12, 2017



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