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Lynch to Accept F.B.I. Recommendations in Clinton Email Inquiry, Official Says


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loretta-lynch-hillary-clinton-email-server.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.naNY Times:

Matt Apuzzo

July 1 2016


Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said. Her decision removes the possibility that a political appointee will overrule investigators in the case.


The Justice Department had been moving toward such an arrangement for months — officials said in April that it was being considered — but a private meeting between Ms. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton this week set off a political furor and made the decision all but inevitable.


Republicans said the meeting, which took place at the Phoenix airport, had compromised the independence of the investigation as the F.B.I. was winding it down. Some called for Ms. Lynch to recuse herself, but she did not take herself off the case — one that could influence a presidential election.


Ms. Lynch plans to discuss the matter at a conference in Aspen, Colo., on Friday. The Justice Department declined to comment. The official who confirmed the discussion did so on the condition of anonymity because the internal decision-making process is normally kept confidential.





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Matt Apuzzo

July 1 2016


Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said. Her decision removes the possibility that a political appointee will overrule investigators in the case.


The Justice Department had been moving toward such an arrangement for months — officials said in April that it was being considered — but a private meeting between Ms. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton this week set off a political furor and made the decision all but inevitable.


Republicans said the meeting, which took place at the Phoenix airport, had compromised the independence of the investigation as the F.B.I. was winding it down. Some called for Ms. Lynch to recuse herself, but she did not take herself off the case — one that could influence a presidential election.


Ms. Lynch plans to discuss the matter at a conference in Aspen, Colo., on Friday. The Justice Department declined to comment. The official who confirmed the discussion did so on the condition of anonymity because the internal decision-making process is normally kept confidential.






What a crap of horse mature the fix is in (as John McCain would say) “My Friend” wink.png

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Glenn Thrush of Politico Ponders Hillary’s Email Problem
Duane Patterson
Friday, July 1, 2016




Here's the thing...and I admit I could be once again invoking my constitutional right to be wrong. A candidate for President of the United States of America is indicted by the Federal Government and nothing will happen? Really? Remember when you here the words Federal Prosecutor the 1st thing that should come to mind is...




There are Federal Prosecutors would give almost(?) anything to prosecute and win this case.


Now say 1. she is indicted 2. Hillary wins the race, does the trial go forward? 3 if it does go forward what will happen (POTUS on trial in a federal court) 4. if it doesn't, what will the public reaction be?

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Stately McDaniel Manor


Posted by Mike McDaniel in Politics


Those of us that have been entrusted with a job serving the public, even as a lowly police officer or teacher, understand what it means to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. We must, in appearance, and in fact, be even-handed, disinterested, scrupulously honest and non-partisan servants of those that pay our salaries. This is something drilled into us from the first days of our employment.


We need not attend law school to learn these lessons. Presumably those that do are taught such things. Presumably those that attend elite law schools are taught it more effectively. With great privilege comes great responsibility. Or perhaps they are taught that by virtue of their elite status, of their worldly perfection, they are exempt from the moral boundaries binding lesser mortals. Perhaps they are taught that rather than being burdened with responsibility, they are, instead, entitled. The good Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection is not so entitled:

Continue reading Scissors-32x32.pnghttps://statelymcdanielmanor.wordpress.com/

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Matt Apuzzo

July 1 2016


Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said. Her decision removes the possibility that a political appointee will overrule investigators in the case.


The Justice Department had been moving toward such an arrangement for months — officials said in April that it was being considered — but a private meeting between Ms. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton this week set off a political furor and made the decision all but inevitable.


Republicans said the meeting, which took place at the Phoenix airport, had compromised the independence of the investigation as the F.B.I. was winding it down. Some called for Ms. Lynch to recuse herself, but she did not take herself off the case — one that could influence a presidential election.


Ms. Lynch plans to discuss the matter at a conference in Aspen, Colo., on Friday. The Justice Department declined to comment. The official who confirmed the discussion did so on the condition of anonymity because the internal decision-making process is normally kept confidential.






What a crap of horse mature the fix is in (as John McCain would say) “My Friend” wink.png



I also am skeptical "my friend" wink.png But I would love to be surprised - uh, actually shocked.

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"The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all citizens." —Thomas Jefferson (1816)

TOP RIGHT HOOKS The Lynch Mobsters




The blowback over Attorney General Loretta Lynch's private meeting with Bill Clinton was instant, and it came even from Democrats. To be sure, though, when leftists like former Barack Obama adviser David Axelrod complain about the "optics" — by which he means political appearances — they are completely misdirecting about the root problem. The problem isn't just that people might get the wrong idea. It's that Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation for breaking federal law, and Lynch could decide whether she's indicted. In fact, Bill Clinton himself is under investigation for Clinton Foundation pay-for-play corruption while Hillary was at State. And as David Harsanyi notes, Bill "has already been impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice." The believability of the parties involved is effectively zero. Scissors-32x32.pnghttps://patriotpost.us/posts/43558

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Maybe....we'll see.

well maybe got blown out of the water like I said the FIX IS IN

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Posted by William A. Jacobson July 5, 2016 at 10:58am

Complete whitewash.

FBI Director James Comey gave an on-camera press statement today from FBI headquarters, and is taking questions from reporters off camera.

Despite finding serious problems and carelessness in handling classified information, rejecting claim that such information must be “marked” classified, and likelihood of foreign hacking, Comey says no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case because no bad intent.

Somewhere, James Petreaus and dozens of others prosecuted in the past are crying.

Legal Insurrection readers called it:

(Full Text of Comey Statement at bottom of post)



When I was a young boy I worked at a filling station one of my duties was to keep the curbs whitewash

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If Hillary Clinton Were a Man, She’d Be Indicted

By Erick Erickson | July 5, 2016, 11:21am

Let’s review the statement from the FBI director.

Hillary Clinton had access to classified emails that were classified at the time she received them and in some cases sent them.

Her email servers, because it turns out there were multiple servers, were unsecured and hackers obtained email addresses from her emails. While there is no direct evidence that hackers read her emails, the FBI thinks it is likely.

Her conduct was extremely careless and she deleted emails that were not handed over to the FBI. Additionally, her lawyers never read all the emails, but the FBI did and discovered the classified nature of the emails.

Additionally, Hillary sent personal emails with classified information in those emails.


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Maybe....we'll see.

well maybe got blown out of the water like I said the FIX IS IN




Is It? The Judicial Watch Civil Lawsuit Is Still Out There




Hillary Clinton’s email problems might be even worse than we thought

Chris Cillizza

July 5 2016


Here's the good news for Hillary Clinton: The FBI has recommended no charges be brought following its investigation of the former secretary of state's private email server.


Here's the bad news: Just about everything else.




Now for the key question: How much do the FBI findings hurt her campaign?


Clinton did avoid indictment, a ruling that would have effectively ended her campaign or left it so badly weakened that there would have been a major move within Democratic circles to replace her as the nominee.


That said, campaigns aren't governed by the ultimate legality of what Clinton did or didn't do. So, while dodging an indictment is a good thing — she isn't under criminal investigation and remains a candidate — it's a far different thing from being cleared (or even close to it) in the court of public opinion.


For a candidate already badly struggling on questions of whether she is honest and trustworthy enough to hold the office to which she aspires, Comey's comments are devastating. Watching them, I could close my eyes and imagine them spliced into a bevy of 30-second ads — all of which end with the FBI director rebuking Clinton as "extremely careless."

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I'm not holding my breath, but I believe there are still a few Clinton Foundation problems floating about. I believe our esteemed Attorney General would be more likely to shoot the S with Bill about this than the Emailsblink.png

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