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?p=58961Shot In The Dark:

Mitch Berg

June 1 2016


Premise, accepted as a given: Most government taxation and spending, especially in one-party cities like Minneapolis and Saint Paul (and, really, in de facto one-party states like Minnesota) exists primarily to take wealth from the producing class and give it…not so much to people who need it as much as to the political class.


With that accepted as a given (and I do accept it as a given, and so do you, if you think about it even a little), can it be even a tiny surprise that the same week brought us both this story…:




…and this one?

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On the first:


My ultra liberal brother told me that for the first time ever he was questioning his party affiliation; couldn't understand why the (apparently huge) surplus wasn't going to be used for fixing roads etc. and would instead be used for a bunch of new social programs. He was upset that the answer to fixing the roads was going to be to raise taxes, when there was already a huge pile of money sitting there. I cannot express to you just how huge of a break-through this was for him.


On the second:


The north side clearly has a problem. I'm not sure that Ms. Levy-Pounds "writing and guest lecturing" is going help.

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p.s. This always amuses me:


"Sunday alcohol sales: Another effort to allow Sunday sales of alcohol failed to pass this year, despite a renewed lobbying push from larger liquor retailers to pass the measure. The effort is likely to return next year, and advocates are hopeful that each year seems to find stronger legislative support."


Is it true that it's the tavern League lobby who is resisting Sunday sales?


My relatives are amazed that you can walk into a grocery store any day of the week in Wisconsin.......even Sunday!........and get any kind of alcohol you want.

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On the first:


My ultra liberal brother told me that for the first time ever he was questioning his party affiliation; couldn't understand why the (apparently huge) surplus wasn't going to be used for fixing roads etc. and would instead be used for a bunch of new social programs. He was upset that the answer to fixing the roads was going to be to raise taxes, when there was already a huge pile of money sitting there. I cannot express to you just how huge of a break-through this was for him.


On the second:


The north side clearly has a problem. I'm not sure that Ms. Levy-Pounds "writing and guest lecturing" is going help.



On a related note: While the North Side is little Chicago, it is moving south. I'm the token white guy in my neighborhood, and in the last (say) 2 months I've seen some young men dressed like gangbangers (ie the real deal not wannabes) move in here.



Could it be your brother may have found A Clue?

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