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‘His beliefs are total opposite': Republican tries to block nominee from office because he is a Muslim


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his-beliefs-are-total-opposite-republican-tries-to-block-nominee-from-office-because-he-is-muslimWashington Post:

‘His beliefs are total opposite': Republican tries to block nominee from office because he is a Muslim


A Christian pastor in the nation’s third-most-populous county tried to stop a Muslim man from serving in the local Republican Party because of his religion.


The massive jurisdiction of Harris County, Tex. — with 4 million residents in the city of Houston and its surroundings — has more than 1,000 precincts, and the Republican Party appoints a chair for every single one. Approving the people picked by a committee to fill some of those spots should have been a run-of-the-mill task.


But Trebor Gordon stood up at a meeting of the county’s GOP on Monday night. He said that Syed Ali — a 62-year-old Houston resident who has been a loyal Republican since the Reagan administration — should not be appointed.


Gordon said that Ali should be blocked “on the grounds that Islam does not have any basis or any foundation. It is the total opposite of our foundation.


“Islam and Christianity do not mix,” Gordon said. Party chairman Paul Simpson said that Gordon serves as chaplain for the Harris County Republican Party and is a part-time pastor at a Houston-area church.


“During my prayer, this man did not bow his head. During the pledge of allegiance, he did not utter a word. He didn’t even try to fake it and move his lips,” Gordon said at the meeting, where attendees said nearly 200 people were present. “If you believe that a person can practice Islam and agree to the foundational principles of the Republican Party, it’s not right. It’s not true. It can’t happen. There are things on our platform that he and his beliefs are total opposite.”


Seeing her party chaplain make such a motion, precinct chair Felicia Winfree Cravens said she was stunned. “There were more shocked faces in that room than you could count,” she said. Cravens’s camera happened to be rolling — she said she was showing a friend how to use the new Facebook Live tool, so she was broadcasting the otherwise humdrum party meeting. Suddenly, she found herself capturing the discussion of Ali’s religion on tape.


After Gordon, a former Houston City Council candidate, made his motion that Ali should not be a precinct chair, Simpson asked Ali to step forward so the people in attendance could see him. Ali did.


The Houston area has more Muslim residents than most other parts of the United States. More than 1 percent of the city’s residents are Muslim, and the city has more than 80 mosques and at least 10 Muslim schools, according to the Houston Chronicle.


The debate over the motion was brief but contentious. One man brought up the party’s rules prohibiting discrimination on the basis of religion. That prompted another man, identified by Simpson and Cravens as precinct chair Mike Robertson, to stand up to ask whether Islam is a religion at all.


“Can I have a point of information?” Robertson said. “Has there been any factual information provided that Islam is a religion?”


Ali did not speak during the debate. One precinct chair, Dave Smith, came to his defense. “In our founding document, the Constitution, even back 230 years ago, when our founding fathers were establishing rules by which our country would be governed, they specifically put in there: no religious test,” Smith said. “No religious test is good enough for the founding fathers. It’s good enough for me.”


Simpson called for a voice vote on Ali’s nomination. In the video, numerous people can be heard agreeing with Gordon’s motion to block him. But in person, Simpson and Cravens both said it was clear that the majority voted in Ali’s favor. Simpson declared that the motion failed, and Ali was instated.


Ali told The Washington Post on Wednesday that he was surprised but not hurt by Gordon’s motion. “It doesn’t bother me at all, as a Republican, as an American, as a Muslim,” he said. “Everyone’s entitled to their view.” He said he appreciated that the majority of the people in the room voted in his favor, and many people he had never met before that night approached him after the meeting to offer “nothing but encouragement.”


“After that incident, God blessed those people who come to me,” Ali said.


Ali, a Houston resident, said he sees Republican values as deeply consistent with Muslim values. Both the party and the religion value preserving life, helping the needy and treating all people equally, he said. “I am happy and more stronger than before. I’ll do whatever I can do for the country and the party and the people.”


Gordon and Robertson did not respond to requests for comment Wednesday.


Simpson said Gordon was entitled to speak his thoughts. “I think it was healthy for it to come to a vote and not just be shot down. I’m a real big believer in letting people speak, state their opinion,” he said. He added that he disagreed with Gordon: “I’m in agreement with the vast majority of our grass roots that we don’t have religious tests for those who want to fight for our country and help elect Republicans and advance conservative principles.”


Cravens said that as someone active in Republican politics, she is seeing much more anti-Muslim sentiment in her Facebook feed lately, in conjunction with the rise of Donald Trump. “If there were a hashtag more intense than #NeverTrump, I would be it,” she said.


But she does not know whether Trump has increased anti-Muslim viewpoints or just exposed them. “I don’t know how much of that is preexistent that he’s tapped into, or how much of that is him making people feel safe to say things like that, or if I just didn’t notice it,” she said. “I wouldn’t want to lay at the feet of Donald Trump something that he merely capitalized on.”


Compared to Facebook posts, she would rather hear such views aired face to face at a grass-roots meeting like Monday night’s, the most local and most personal level of politics, she said. When the pastor and the Muslim candidate share the same room and the same goal of drumming up more Republican votes in their county, “meetings like that are where hearts and minds get changed.”

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Is it me, or has our side got a bad case of the stupid pills??




Is the basis for American citizenship for immigrants to assimilate? On the surface, it appears that Mr. Syed Ali has essentially done that. Elsewhere...not so much. I understand Trebor Gordon's quandary.


In Western society, it is rude or politically incorrect to expect people to change their beliefs & culture. In Muslim countries; just the opposite. Submission to Islam is demanded & enforced...unto death. Muslims use our own laws to accomplish their goal of bringing America under Islam...it's called "law-fare" as in warfare using law.


Islam is not just a religion, but a complete & total life belief system, combining a political structure & theology. "Islam" (the word) means submission & requires believers to usurp all of humanity...to force submission to Islam's politico-religious system. In America, it may be a small minority of Muslims that vocally advocate overthrow of our existing system, but a majority still maintain a nearly complete separation from American belief & culture. Do the silent Muslims not share the same central tenet of the Quran; that all humanity must submit?


The new Syrian & Somali Muslim immigrants are literally worlds (and centuries) away from American life. They arrive and remain in their own ethic zone...controlled by sharia & resistant to American law & culture.


Muslim belief is tied to the Quran. The Quran has contradictory religious edicts (sura & hadiths) from Muhammad's time before he rose to power...and after he rose to power (pre & post Medina). The system is almost always interpreted to use the latter belief. There are 2 worlds for Muslims: Dar-al-Islam (Land already under Islam) & Dar-al-Harb (Land that remains to be put under Islam). There are no other areas. The term used for "non-violent" conquest by immigration is Al Hijra. By using lawfare & burdening the social safety network of countries that accept Muslim immigrants, they can change it's culture & bring it into Islam. It is destroying Europe. Due to the "greying" of Europe, it was assumed that they could use immigration to supply the base labor needed to operate their countries for their aging population. It might have worked if the newly immigrated citizens were separated only by language & economic condition; but still shared some religion & culture.


We need to ask some questions:


Why have no countries but Turkey, taken in Muslim refugees? Why not relocate them into areas that already are suited for their politico-religious lifestyle...instead of areas that have completely different belief systems?


Do Americans have a right to expect immigrants to assimilate? Do Americans have a right to accept those that have the same beliefs, over those that do not & will never accept them? Why should we allow religious/political sectors that remain anathema to American ideals? Under our concept of American citizenship, should we allow immigrants to pick & choose which laws they wish to obey? Should we accept refugees & immigrants that already have our Judeo-Christian beliefs, first; over Muslims? JMO.

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