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The Bathroom War and the Missing Link in Jonathan Tobin’s Column


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The Bathroom War and the Missing Link in Jonathan Tobin’s Column


By Erick Erickson | May 13, 2016, 04:45pm


While I appreciate the ultimate point Jonathan Tobin makes about the federal government’s new bathroom mandate in this piece, I am left scratching my head over his opening that ignores some significant facts.


In the past month, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory dug himself a very deep political hole and then crawled into it when he, with an unhelpful assist from his state legislature, sought to defend a new law about transgender people and their access to bathrooms. It was, as I wrote earlier this week, an astonishingly foolish decision for a man running for re-election. Whatever the merits of North Carolina’s position on the law or the issue, volunteering to be the man to stand in the bathroom door is pretty much the definition of political stupidity. Casting himself in such a role in what appeared to be an escalation of a new battle in the culture wars over gender and sexual identity was embarrassing. Scissors-32x32.png

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May 14, 2016

Not just bathrooms: Feds issue regulation Friday to force health insurance to cover sex change operations

By Thomas Lifson

While the federal decree abolishing sex segregation in bathrooms (and incidentally establishing the principle that your sex is whatever you say it is – with far reaching consequences for Title IX and many other federal programs based on sex), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) issued a regulation that will make health insurance, including Obamacare and Medicaid, more expensive. Now, your premiums will cover genital mutilation and hormone therapy for anyone that decides to play the role of the opposite sex. Scissors-32x32.png


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  • 3 weeks later...

ACLU leader quits after daughters encounter men in the women’s restroom
Paul Mirengoff
June 1, 2016

Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, has resigned over the ACLU’s position on who can use which public restrooms. The resignation occurred after her two daughters were traumatized by encountering men in the women’s restroom. Dillard Smith explained:




I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered. My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer.


Dillard Smith complained that the ACLU has become “a special interest organization that promotes not all, but certain progressive rights” and that the “hierarchy of rights” the ACLU chooses to defend or ignore is “based on who is funding the organization’s lobbying activities.” Further expressing her disillusionment, Dillard Smith stated:




A transgender activist — a biological male who goes by the name Cheryl Courtney-Evans — responded to Dillard Smith’s resignation by calling her “lazy,” “ill-educated,” and a “b–ch” who needs to sit down and “STFU.” No one who has seen LGBT activists in action will be surprised by this charming response.




These days, one hears intelligent people assert that the “culture war” is over. It isn’t, and won’t be soon, because the left will keep looking for new cultural battlegrounds. Today, public restrooms; tomorrow, the world.




I'm waiting for the1st rape/assault/robbery to happen. Actually not the 1st (as we all know what the response will be) no the 25th one is what I am waiting for.

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Charlotte Observer

MAY 19, 2016 6:01 PM

I fought for civil rights. It is offensive to compare it with the transgender fight.

HB2 cannot be compared to the injustice of Jim Crow

We endured 400 years of slavery, lynchings and the bite of police dogs

Transgender people can drink from whatever water fountain they please



Special to the Observer

Let us be clear: HB2 cannot be compared to the injustice of Jim Crow. In fact, it is insulting to liken African Americans’ continuing struggle for equality in America to the liberals’ attempt to alter society’s accepted norms.


Recently, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch compared HB2 to Jim Crow. Jim Crow laws were put into place to keep an entire race positioned as second-class citizens. HB2 simply says that men and women should use the restroom of their biological sex in government buildings and schools. This comparison is highly offensive and utterly disrespectful to those families and individuals who have shed blood and lost lives to advance the cause of civil rights. I take this as a personal slap in the face because I was an active participant in the civil rights movement.Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article78706432.html

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