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Video: Sarah Palin tells Jake Tapper that Paul Ryan is about to be “Cantored”


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video-sarah-palin-tells-jake-tapper-that-paul-ryan-is-about-to-be-cantoredHot Air:

Jazz Shaw

May 8, 2016


Should Speaker of the House Paul Ryan be looking over his shoulder in this year’s congressional primary race? That’s the opinion of Sarah Palin, which she made clear on Jake Tapper’s State of the Union show this morning. Unhappy with the Speaker’s failure to immediately endorse Donald Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee, the former Alaska Governor lit into Ryan and declared that his days were numbered not only as Speaker, but as a member of Congress. (CNN)




Such an occasion is always worth a look at the video rather than a simple transcript, so let’s roll that beautiful bean footage, Harvey. (It’s only a few minutes long.)





Palin is an avid Trump supporter and was one of his earlier, high profile endorsements, so it’s not terribly surprising that she’d be going into Mama Bear mode and defending him now. But the threat she’s dishing up is a rather dire one. The reference to Eric Cantor is pretty obvious, but that election involved many complicated factors which would be hard to replicate in most places. Ryan may not have too much to worry about, as Doug Mataconis already noted at Outside the Beltway.







Someone looks like they are off their meds.

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Someone looks like they are off their meds.



Possibly....................................Paul Ryan? I'm not privy to Wisconsin politics, but being "primaried" out sure took Cantor by surprise...and Ryan has to hear footsteps. He's walking a tightrope. It might be safer to issue statements through your office, after they've been vetted...instead of immediately choosing sides after only a few months on the job.

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Someone looks like they are off their meds.



Possibly....................................Paul Ryan? I'm not privy to Wisconsin politics, but being "primaried" out sure took Cantor by surprise...and Ryan has to hear footsteps. He's walking a tightrope. It might be safer to issue statements through your office, after they've been vetted...instead of immediately choosing sides after only a few months on the job.




Did you watch her?

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Someone looks like they are off their meds.



Possibly....................................Paul Ryan? I'm not privy to Wisconsin politics, but being "primaried" out sure took Cantor by surprise...and Ryan has to hear footsteps. He's walking a tightrope. It might be safer to issue statements through your office, after they've been vetted...instead of immediately choosing sides after only a few months on the job.




Did you watch her?




Yes, @Valin, I did. She's a little bug-eyed and maybe too perky. She's articulating much the same message that she did in 2010 & 2014, when she endorsed a few Tea Party critters, that were elected. What made you the angriest? That she is put out that some of those "conservatives" quickly dropped their promises & became part of the DC machine?


Look, I'm not picking a fight. She's older and still "squeaky"...and maybe her looks can be explained by some Botox.


Palin has always been someone that either inspires you to like her, or think she's crazy. At least she's not devious. She puts it right out there for you to comment on.



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Apparently Sarah does not realize that people in Wisconsin do NOT like to be handled or told what to do i.e. Scott Walker or Donald Trump. They are more likely to do the opposite just for spite because they consider her to be meddling in their business. Paul Ryans district is about half and half and some very liberal areas are included (Janesville, Racine). What she says means squat to them.

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Apparently Sarah does not realize that people in Wisconsin do NOT like to be handled or told what to do i.e. Scott Walker or Donald Trump. They are more likely to do the opposite just for spite because they consider her to be meddling in their business. Paul Ryans district is about half and half and some very liberal areas are included (Janesville, Racine). What she says means squat to them.


Sweet @Geee! I think that's great. All politics should be decided on a local level...closer to the people...and further out at the state level. IMO. Too little 10th Amendment* & too much Federal over-reach. Palin is an original from Alaska, which is not attached to the continental US in geography, culture or politics. I'd rather hear Sarah screech than hear Oblunder utter another syllable...or Killary another lie, which ushers out with every breath she takes.


*The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791.[1] It expresses the principle of federalism, which strictly supports the entire plan of the original Constitution for the United States of America, by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the United States Constitution. All remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people.

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Yes, Valin, I did. She's a little bug-eyed and maybe too perky. She's articulating much the same message that she did in 2010 & 2014, when she endorsed a few Tea Party critters, that were elected. What made you the angriest? That she is put out that some of those "conservatives" quickly dropped their promises & became part of the DC machine?



Who would they be? You mean those (evil) Establishment types that have pretty much stopped Obama/The Democrats from getting anything they want through congress since 2010?

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Yes, Valin, I did. She's a little bug-eyed and maybe too perky. She's articulating much the same message that she did in 2010 & 2014, when she endorsed a few Tea Party critters, that were elected. What made you the angriest? That she is put out that some of those "conservatives" quickly dropped their promises & became part of the DC machine?



Who would they be? You mean those (evil) Establishment types that have pretty much stopped Obama/The Democrats from getting anything they want through congress since 2010?


Yes, @Valin.


Those Republicans that did nothing...except fold every time the Dems wanted to raise the debt ceiling.


The ones that promised to gut Obamacare & have done that very thing haven't found time to do that because...you know...appearances!


The ones that sued him to stop his executive actions & withheld House financing to make him come to heel.


Those guys.

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Yes, Valin, I did. She's a little bug-eyed and maybe too perky. She's articulating much the same message that she did in 2010 & 2014, when she endorsed a few Tea Party critters, that were elected. What made you the angriest? That she is put out that some of those "conservatives" quickly dropped their promises & became part of the DC machine?



Who would they be? You mean those (evil) Establishment types that have pretty much stopped Obama/The Democrats from getting anything they want through congress since 2010?


Yes, @Valin.


Those Republicans that did nothing...except fold every time the Dems wanted to raise the debt ceiling.


The ones that promised to gut Obamacare & have done that very thing haven't found time to do that because...you know...appearances!


The ones that sued him to stop his executive actions & withheld House financing to make him come to heel.


Those guys.



40 votes in the House of Representatives to defund Obamacare Senate Votes Somewhere the idea got out the the House & Senate did nothing to repeal/defund Obamacare...nothing could be farther from the truth.

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Yes, Valin, I did. She's a little bug-eyed and maybe too perky. She's articulating much the same message that she did in 2010 & 2014, when she endorsed a few Tea Party critters, that were elected. What made you the angriest? That she is put out that some of those "conservatives" quickly dropped their promises & became part of the DC machine?



Who would they be? You mean those (evil) Establishment types that have pretty much stopped Obama/The Democrats from getting anything they want through congress since 2010?


Yes, @Valin.


Those Republicans that did nothing...except fold every time the Dems wanted to raise the debt ceiling.


The ones that promised to gut Obamacare & have done that very thing haven't found time to do that because...you know...appearances!


The ones that sued him to stop his executive actions & withheld House financing to make him come to heel.


Those guys.



40 votes in the House of Representatives to defund Obamacare Senate Votes Somewhere the idea got out the the House & Senate did nothing to repeal/defund Obamacare...nothing could be farther from the truth.



I'm not saying that there were no efforts. I'm saying that the one hammer/tool that the House has, is the power of the purse. When did they yank money from programs? If funding is withdrawn...programs shut down. They lost one game of "who-blinks-first" and gave up (because their "press" went negative)...to the liberal, socialist press. They can't pull the trigger. If they can't use their only tool...it's just posturing...no?

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