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So, Why Not Dump Israel ?


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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

So, Why Not Dump Israel ?


Why all this fuss about Israel? Aren't they nothing but trouble for America?

To hear a lot of what's going around these days, Israel is at the heart of the problems we have with the Muslim world, and things would be just fine if we became more 'balanced'...or translated, became more pro-Arab and curtailed our support for those pushy, stubborn Jews. Besides, aren't they an ungrateful ally? Certainly President Obama, John Kerry and a lot of others in Washington say things like that all the time. Although they dress it up a little, that is essentially what they believe. Israel is a problem, not an asset.

ISIS, terrorism against the west, Iran's belligerent behavior, the problems in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and especially with Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are all mostly Israel's fault. And murdering Jews is just a natural reaction to 'occupation', although no one's country is being occupied in any usual sense of the way the word is used. Gaza is an example of how bizarre and distorted the idea of Israel's 'occupation has become. Scissors-32x32.png

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April 10, 2016

Israel and the Occupation that Isn't

By Steve Postal

March saw a return of economic warfare against Israel, masked in discontent with Israel’s “occupation” of “Palestine.” On March 24, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted 32-0-15 to create a database of companies that have profited from Israeli settlements, which the Israeli government has called a “blacklist.”


A petition by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Jewish Voice for Peace, CODEPINK, and others, which has surpassed 144,000 signatures, calls for Airbnb to “top listing vacation rentals in Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land and deemed illegal under international law.” On March 7, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) called on its members and all other countries to “ban products produced in or by illegal Israeli settlements from their markets.”


The “occupation” theme also made a recent appearance in the 2016 presidential race. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, in his first major policy statement on the Middle East, stated that “peace will mean an end to what amounts to the occupation of Palestinian territory.” Scissors-32x32.png


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Sanders repeats call for ‘more balanced’ US position on Israel


Democratic hopeful says Jewish state used ‘disproportionate force’ in Gaza, Palestinians deserve ‘dignity and respect’


BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF April 10, 2016, 8:01 pm


a Sunday interview with CNN’s “State of the Union” talk show, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said he was determined to take a “more balanced position” on Israel than other American politicians, rejecting the notion that he is more critical of Israel.


“Whether you’re Jewish or not Jewish, I would hope that every person in this country wants to see the misery of neverending war and conflict ended in the Middle East,” he said. “It’s a difficult issue and good people have tried to deal with it for years.”


While the US must support Israel, he said, “you cannot ignore the needs of the Palestinian people in Gaza right now: poverty, Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.timesofisrael.com/sanders-repeats-call-for-more-balanced-us-position-on-israel/

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