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The Panama Papers Are Exactly Why Hillary Clinton Can’t Be President


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the-panama-papers-make-the-case-against-hillary-clintonThe Federalist:

The revelations from the Panama Papers—leaked documents from a secretive Panamanian law firm that helps political elites hide their money—have been hitting home across the world, exposing the widespread corruption of world leaders and their hangers-on.

It ought to hit here, too, because it reminds us of everything that should give us the heebie-jeebies about Hillary Clinton.


The Panama Papers have simply confirmed everything we already pretty much knew. This is just the way things work in much of the world. Clawing your way into high political office means that you have a lot special of favors to give out, contracts to distribute, land and timber and shipping deals to approve, and so on. So you dole them out to friends, relatives, and backers—and they naturally show their gratitude by kicking some of it back to you. And if you don’t officially get rich—well, mi casa es su casa, what’s a little sharing between friends? This has long been Vladimir Putin’s method. “In 2010, US diplomatic cables suggested Putin held his wealth via proxies. The president formally owned nothing, they added, but was able to draw on the wealth of his friends, who now control practically all of Russia’s oil and gas production and industrial resources.” The Panama Papers shed light on the fortune of Putin’s old friend Sergei Roldugin, who has somehow amassed billions as an obscure classical musician. Putin knows how easy it is for corrupt officials to live like kings without officially owning anything, because that’s the way things worked in the good old days of the Soviet Union.Scissors-32x32.png

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How many politicians on BOTH sides have never done anything but be "public servants" and are multi= millionaires ??? I am daily getting more and more disgusted with both sides.


As we said before, how does a former high school wrestling coach, politician (Hastert) get the money to dole out millions in bribes?? He was a politician for years. This comes out after the fact. How did we know that it was not known then and some of his votes suffered from coercion??? This is why character counts people and the more and more we put it at the bottom of the list, the more our country suffers for it.

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