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Nearly 70 Percent of Feingold’s Contributions Are Coming From Outside Wisconsin


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Russ Feingold, the former Democratic senator from Wisconsin who is running yet again in an attempt to win back his old Senate seat, is collecting nearly 70 percent of his campaign contributions from individuals who live outside of Wisconsin after shattering his long-held pledge to accept most of his political donations from Wisconsinites.


Feingold made his infamous “Garage Door Pledge” during his first Senate race in 1992 by vowing to “rely on Wisconsin citizens” for most of his contributions while adding “I’m promising it for the future … I’m saying that’s a pledge I am going to keep.”


He continued the pledge in virtually every one of his elections up to 2010 when his 18-year congressional career came to an abrupt halt after being defeated by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson.


However, Feingold announced in August 2015 that this time around he would no longer adhere to his promise by claiming that it “makes no sense now.” His campaign defended the shift by blaming the way current campaigns are financed.


Feingold is now hauling in a majority of his itemized campaign contributions from donors located in other states, despite his 24-year-old promise to keep the pledge throughout his political career.Scissors-32x32.png


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Feingold Cozying Up to Dark Money Groups Despite Past Criticism


Russ Feingold, the former Democratic senator from Wisconsin who is running again in an attempt to win back his old seat, is positioning himself closer to dark money groups despite his previous disdain towards such entities.


Feingold, who had previously spent 18 years in Washington, recently attended a rally with the D.C.-based League of Conservation Voters, a far-left environmental group that “works to turn environmental values into national, state, and local priorities.”


The group began running some of the earliest ads in the Wisconsin senate race hitting Sen. Ron Johnson, who defeated Feingold in 2010. The first ad, titled “7000 Wisconsin” attempted to hit Johnson for his ties to “big oil.” The second ad—called “Disappear Wisconsin”—tried to paint the senator as indifferent to carbon pollution while pushing for President Obama’s Clean Coal Power plan.


Nearly $100,000 was spent to run the two television ads throughout the state. The League of Conservation Voters, which contains a dark-money arm, is not disclosing the source of who is funding their advertisements against Johnson.Scissors-32x32.png



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Obama helping Feingold raise $250K by Thursday


President Obama put his stamp of approval on former Sen. Russ Feingold's bid to return to the Senate, by writng an email fundraising solicitation for the Wisconsin Democrat.

"Wisconsin has a long tradition of progressivism, from Fighting Bob La Follette to the legendary Sen. Gaylord Nelson, the father of Earth Day," Obama wrote, invoking two liberal lions from Wisconsin. "Wisconsinites are independent-minded and forward-thinking, and they're not afraid to go against the grain."

Obama praised Feingold, who's in a tight grudge match with Sen. Ron Johnson, the Republican who won the seat after criticizing Feingold's lone dissenting vote against the USA Patriot Act and opposition to the Iraq War.Scissors-32x32.png



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