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Cruz controls North Dakota “unbound” delegate selection


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Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 7:35pm

Another step towards keeping Trump from 1237


At one level, the North Dakota delegate selection today was not a big deal, because the delegates are “unbound” even on the first convention ballot.

The delegates were not even required to openly state their candidate preferences as the Bismark Tribune reported:


Delegates at the North Dakota Republican Party convention elected 25 unbound delegates to be sent to the Republican’s national convention following a debate and failed request providing candidates the choice to declare their preference for president prior to the vote.


Prior to the vote from the list of nearly 75 candidates, a request on the floor to provide each of them the option to publicly state their presidential preference before voting on national delegates failed by a 611-748 vote.


The state has 28 national delegates; Scissors-32x32.png

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Only Nine Percent of North Dakota GOP Convention Attendees Supported Trump

By Erick Erickson | April 4, 2016

Our Principles PAC tells me that as they progressed in the state they did polling of the attendees to the GOP convention. They found that only nine percent of those attending the North Dakota Republican State Convention supported Trump.



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Cruz snaring Trump's Arizona delegates


Sen. Ted Cruz is out-hustling Donald Trump and looks set to ensure many Arizona delegates will defect to him in a convention floor fight.


The Texas senator, who ever since Iowa has played a stealthy ground game in contrast to Trump's chaotic populism, is taking steps to snatch the Republican presidential nomination from The Donald at the convention in July Scissors-32x32.png


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