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Killing Christianity in America


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killing_christianity_in_america.htmlAmerican Thinker:

The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.


Men and women of faith fought for decades to achieve victory over the great human rights issue of the 19th century -- freeing the slaves. The issue of slavery had festered from the time of its introduction into the colonies in 1619. It would be Pennsylvanian Quakers, who believed in the inner light of conscience, who filed the first formal protest against slavery in 1688.


Abolitionists fought ferociously because of their unyielding and undying belief that all human beings were made in the image of God and were entitled to equal protection under the law. Bolstered by the constitutionally guaranteed rights stated clearly in the first amendment of the American constitution, they fought to end slavery and to guarantee equality of all human beings before the law.


The roots of that great reform movement as well as many of the continuing reform movements of the 19th and 20th centuries -- including the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s -- were profoundly Christian.


How radically things have changed.Scissors-32x32.png

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The all-out assault on Christians in America by the Left resembles the wars socialism and communism waged against Christianity, the most obvious example being is the attempt of the communist Soviet Union to bury Russian Orthodoxy.


Good Luck With That Guys!


There is a line from the Koran I got from Tom Clancy's Red Storm Raising.....They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.


* For 2,000 years now they (whoever They are) have been trying to destroy Christianity.....Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.


* Much Much longer for (Those Darn) Jews.

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