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integration-not-answer-muslim-terrorism-daniel-greenfieldFront Page Magazine : INTEGRATION IS NOT THE ANSWER TO MUSLIM TERRORISM It’s not cultural integration, but religious disintegration.

April 1, 2016 Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.


There is a famous photo of Anjem Choudary, the head of multiple banned organizations calling for imposing Sharia law on the UK whose follower was responsible for the Lee Rigby beheading, getting drunk as a young law student.


Friends recall “Andy” smoking pot and taking LSD, sleeping around and partying all the time. Andy was really well integrated, but he still turned back into Anjem.


While the proliferation of segregated Muslim areas, no-go zones in which English, French or Dutch is the foreign language, is a major problem, it is a mistake to think that “integration” solves Islamic terrorism.


It doesn’t.


The Tsarnaev brothers who carried out the Boston Marathon bombings seemed integrated. Nobody noticed anything wrong with Syed Rizwan Farook, the San Bernardino shooter, or Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber. Scissors-32x32.png

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You can't force assimilation. Refugees from Muslim dominant countries...should they be forced to go to countries that desire them to change their religious-cultural lifestyle? Why aren't Muslim dominant countries providing these refugees safe harbor? Why...since there is a Christian holocaust in Syria, are we not giving priority to these people...who at least have a shared common religion...and whose religion does not insist that others must change?


We have a United Nations of Islam, now. Between political correctness, multi-cultural enforcement & jihad...the "United Nations" ideal is a sham. This, as with climate change is not a social betterment & humanity-first solution...it is an economic sledge-hammer to batter the worlds leading economies into submission...while elevating 3rd world states into the One World Order dream. Resist!

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