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California Gov. Jerry Brown hails proposal to raise minimum wage to $15


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california-gov-jerry-brown-hails-proposal-to-raise-minimum-wage-to-15.html?intcmp=hplnwsFox News:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Gov. Jerry Brown is hailing as a matter of economic justice a proposal to make California the first state to raise the minimum wage to $15.


The Democratic governor joined legislative and labor leaders Monday in announcing an agreement to raise the rate gradually to $15 an hour by January 2022.


Senate leader Kevin de Leon, a Democrat from Los Angeles, says the increase will aid nearly 6 million Californians.


He and Brown touted the proposal as California leading the way on easing income equality.


Businesses with fewer than 25 employees would get an additional year to phase in the increases. The governor could pause the increases in times of budgetary or economic downturns.


Wages would increase to keep up with inflation after 2023.



Yeah, we'll see how well this works...

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April 2, 2016

Demagoguery and the Minimum Wage

By Theodore A. Gebhard

On Monday, California governor Jerry Brown announced that he would sign a bill to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15/hr. The increase from the current minimum of $10/hr. would be fully completed by 2022. Last year, New York passed legislation raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to $15/hr. At the local level, the city of Seattle has mandated a minimum wage of $15/hr. to be fully phased in by 2021


In the presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have proposed raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $12/hr. and to $15/hr. respectively.


Particularly among politicians of the left, raising the minimum wage has long been a staple as a campaign talking point. Mrs. Clinton and Senator Sanders claim, for example, that raising the wage floor is necessary to help people to move up into the middle class. The argument rests on the idea that if incomes are too low for some people to reach the middle class, a law mandating higher incomes is justified. Certainly, the argument has strong emotional appeal. Regrettably, it is also subject to significant demagoguery Scissors-32x32.png


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I have family still living in Cali...which makes it hard to see this crapola. Graduated high school there. Beautiful state. What will happen when the illegals are the majority...not citizens, but able to have free tuition, medical care & state + federal assistance...and they try to gather enough tax to pay for it all from people earning $15@hr. (since it's a basic human right) who still don't make enough to PAY taxes? We've seen Progressive Democrat cities deteriorate into 3rd world entities...but never a state that once had a GNP better than most countries. We already have a New Mexico...but maybe we'll have a Newest Mexico...another failed narco-terrorist state? Thank goodness the citizens are able to have firearms...oh, wait...only some citizens...and with only 10 round mags & a hard-attached, required "key" to change them.

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