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Graham slams Trump-Cruz wife feud: 'It's a good year to be single'


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274162-graham-on-trump-cruz-wife-feud-knock-his-crap-offThe Hill:

Jesse Byrnes

Mar. 24 2016


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Thursday called on Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to stop feuding over Cruz's wife.


"It's a good year to be single," Graham quipped during an interview on NBC's "Today" show.


"The bottom line is, when you think it can't get worse ... hey guys, knock it off. The world is falling apart. Man up. You've got great wives and great families," Graham said.


Graham said the candidates should instead focus on the battle against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks in Brussels this week.


"Talk about things people really care about and knock this crap off, because these are serious times and you're not behaving like you want to be president of the United States, you're behaving like you're on a reality TV show," Graham added.







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Today in “Can you imagine Trump in control of the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.” (Update)

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 1:00pm

Threatens to “spill the beans” on HEIDI Cruz


This may now officially be a series, “Can you imagine Trump in control of ….”

Prior posts on topic:

Current entry in the series:

A small SuperPAC founded and run by Liz Mair did a mailer in Utah showing a public photo of Melania Trump from a magazine shoot 15 or so years ago.


I have to say, Melania looked marvelous in the shoot. It’s almost — almost — enough to make some anti-Trumpers reconsider.


But it was a completely sleazy tactic attempting to “slut shame” Melania.


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