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The GOP's Third Party Option


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The GOP's Third Party Option

The Libertarian Party is an anti-Trump party.

A. Barton Hinkle | March 9, 2016

So revolting do many Republicans find the prospect of having Donald Trump as their nominee that three in 10 say they would not vote for him in November, some are now speaking openly about leaving the GOP for a third party. An exodus like that could wreck the GOP. But it might be wrecked already. And at least those leaving could look themselves in the mirror—rather than looking like, say, a horrified Chris Christie, who appeared behind Trump on Super Tuesday resembling Oedipus at the moment he realized what he had done.

But what sort of party would appeal to the GOP's anti-Trump forces? The answer seems obvious: a party that embodies the opposite of Trump.


On the issues, that would mean:


· A party that does not merely welcome immigration, but celebrates it.


· A party that treats individuals as individuals, not as indistinguishable sub-units of larger racial, ethnic, or other cohorts (Jews, Muslims, "The Mexicans," etc.).


· A party that is therefore not "fine" with either bigotry or affirmative action, as Trump is.


· A party that, unlike Trump, consistently supports the First Amendment.


· And the Second. Scissors-32x32.png

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Vote Libertarian!

Dan Hanson March 16, 2016

Here’s a thought: If Trump is nominated, I know a lot of you plan to just stay home.


Personally, I hope Ted Cruz pulls it off or Trump gets ousted at a contested convention. But if that doesn’t happen …

Instead of staying home, why not vote Libertarian? In an election where both candidates are big government populists, the best message you could send is a strong surge of support for the Libertarian candidate. Scissors-32x32.pnghttps://ricochet.com/vote-libertarian/

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A Third Party if Necessary

By Erick Erickson | March 16, 2016, 09:05am


Before the first Super Tuesday, I wrote that I would never support Donald Trump. I stand by that. The exit polling last night bears out that 40% of Republicans would go elsewhere if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. That burden is not on me or other voters. It is on Donald Trump and his supporters. They are convinced that Republicans will flock to Trump just as they are convinced that Trump will beat Hillary Clinton. All evidence points to Trump being unable to consolidate the GOP and unable to beat Hillary Clinton.


A Trump nomination will fracture the Republican Party. It will require a third party if only to give people an option in November so that they might still turn out and vote for down ballot races instead of staying home.


There are numerous people complaining today that a third party will give us Hillary Clinton. Actually, a Donald Trump nomination gives us Hillary Clinton, but a viable third party might at lease mitigate Trump’s damage down the ballot. Scissors-32x32.png


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