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The Buck Stops . . . Over There. Like Obama, Trump Always Blames Others.


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donald-trumps-failures-his-excuses-resemble-obamasNational Review:

Donald Trump’s supporters are tired of excuses. Real leaders are accountable for their actions, they say. They like the Donald’s own counsel, from February 2013: “Take responsibility for yourself — it’s a very empowering attitude.”


Except Trump has never followed his own advice. Donald Trump’s professional life is a chronicle of excuse-making for his own misjudgment and malfeasance.


Start with Trump’s first major failure, the demise of the United States Football League’s New Jersey Generals — and the league itself, in 1986. The USFL, which boasted future National Football League greats such as quarterback Doug Flutie and running back Herschel Walker, played its season in the spring. Trump didn’t like that. “If God wanted football in the spring, he wouldn’t have created baseball,” Trump said at the time. At his urging, the league voted to move its season — inadvertently setting up a war for primetime with the NFL, which at the time was featured on all three major networks.Scissors-32x32.png

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Trump is Everything You Raised Your Kids Not to Be


As a mother of three young adults, I have seen my share of schoolyard bullies, mean girls, vulgar invectives, and acts of poor judgment -- from adolescents. On only one occasion was I shocked and disgusted by an adult exhibiting such behavior and it remains imprinted on my brain for its sheer evil and psychosis.


My ten-year-old son’s hockey team was at a tournament in Lake Placid playing in the finals on the “Miracle Ice.” In response to one of our players being injured, a mother from the opposing team stood up cheering and clapping. We lost in the final minutes and as our kids skated off the ice with tears in their eyes, that mother stood up pointing at each of them and yelled, “Ha ha, we beat you losers.” Sound familiar?


As if months of listening to candidate Trump call everyone a loser hasn’t been painful enough, imagine eight years of listening to President Trump’s smug condescension as he continually throws out his favorite insults -- moron, lightweight, loser, dummy, dope. (A Google search of “Trump favorite insults” produces 30,400,000 results.) When America’s children start to hear this on a daily basis from the POTUS, rest assured, insulting each other will become as American as apple pie.Scissors-32x32.png



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