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The Ultimate Tool of White Supremacy and Colonialism? Mini-Sombreros


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The Ultimate Tool of White Supremacy and Colonialism? Mini-Sombreros


Posted on March 7, 2016 by The Political Hat


The Bowdoin College’s student government will purge themselves of eeevil oppressors for the sin of… attending a party where some people wore novelty mini-sombreros.


“Two weeks ago, some students threw a birthday party for a friend. The email invitation read: ‘the theme is tequila, so do with that what you may. We’re not saying it’s a fiesta, but we’re also not not saying that .’ The invitation — sent by a student of Colombian descent, which may or may not be relevant here — advertised games, music, cups and ‘other things that are conducive to a fun night.’


“Those ‘other things’ included the miniature sombreros, several inches in diameter. And when photos of attendees wearing those mini-sombreros showed up on social media, students and administrators went ballistic.”



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