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Mitt Romney Robotically Repeats Marco Rubio’s Robotic Talking Points to Attack Donald Trump


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Mitt Romney’s Thursday anti-Trump address seemed to rely heavily on the talking points employed by donor-class favorite Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)79%


In recent weeks, commentators have observed that Rubio’s campaign rhetoric has taken a markedly different tone. Some have suggested that the change in tone perhaps comes at the behest of his donors, who want Rubio to go on the attack against Trump.


In 2012, Mitt Romney’s Presidential campaign squandered the financial investment of many Party donors. In 2016, Party donors have lined up behind their choice candidate, Marco Rubio. Yet– like 2012– despite donors’ considerable financial investment, Rubio’s campaign has crashed in the early state primaries. Rubio has not won a single primary state election to date.


On Wednesday, Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser Stephen Miller told Fox Business viewers that Romney’s injection into 2016 politics is an attempt to pay back those donors:

Mitt Romney ran a terrible presidential campaign in 2012 and he racked up hundreds of millions of dollars in losses for donors, so he is paying them back now by running block and tackle for struggling candidate Marco Rubio… Mitt Romney is carrying water for his donors. Romney is textbook example of how not to run a presidential campaign… What burned Mitt Romney [was a] failure to connect with everyday working people who are struggling to get a pay raise… Mitt Romney and the donor class are determined to run that same failed playbook… [and] that is the Marco Rubio playbook. The Marco Rubio playbook is give donors what they want. What do donors want? They want mass immigration that drives down wages. So Mitt Romney is coming in to pay back donors he blew a few hundred million dollars in 2012.


Thus it is perhaps interesting that several of Rubio’s donor-approved talking points appeared to be mirrored in Mitt Romney’s address.



March of the Rubio-bots.

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July 16, 1964


Goldwater Backers Vote Down Scranton's Anti-Bircher Plank and His Rights and A-Bomb Plans

Negro Bloc Questions Arizonan's Fitness -- Rockefeller Booed



Special to The New York Times


SAN FRANCISCO, Wednesday, July 15 -- The Republican National Convention sounded a thunderous "no" last night to the proposition that it should condemn the John Birch Society. Then the delegates defeated a proposal to broaden the civil rights plank of the party platform.

The roll-call vote on the civil-rights question was 897 to 409, with delegates from 26 states and territories voting solidly against the broadening amendment.

Delegates supporting Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona stayed in their seats past midnight to defeat a third proposal by proponents of Gov. William W. Scranton of Pennsylvania. It would have reaffirmed the principle of Presidential control of nuclear weapons.


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