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Defeating the Islamic State Will Be a Long War


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defeating_the_islamic_state_will_be_a_long_war_129361.htmlReal Clear Politics:

David Ignatius

January 19, 2016


TAMPA, Fla. -- There's a scary disconnect between the somber warnings you hear privately from military leaders about the war against the Islamic State and the glib debating points coming from Republican and Democratic politicians.


The politicians fulminate about defeating the terrorists, but they don't talk much about the costs or sacrifices that will be required. The generals and admirals, who have been at war for 15 years, know that success can't be bought cheaply. Defeating this enemy will require a much larger and longer commitment by the United States than any leading politician seems willing to acknowledge.




Contrast these stern admonitions from the commanders who have lived the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts with the upbeat talk from political leaders. President Obama pledged that "priority number one is protecting the American people and going after terrorist networks" and then said a few moments later that these networks "do not threaten our national existence." That sends a mixed message -- one that Hillary Clinton has echoed in her campaign.


Republican rants about the Islamic State are even worse, in that they promise total victory without suggesting the level of commitment and sacrifice involved. The GOP responses sound tough, from Donald Trump's "bomb the hell out of them" to Sen. Marco Rubio's assurance in last week's debate that "the most powerful military in the world is going to destroy them."


The next president is going to inherit an expanding war against a global terrorist adversary. The debate about how best to fight this enemy hasn't even begun.








HenryC • 2 hours ago

It does not have to be a long war. We could send the forces we sent into Iraq and crush ISIS in a week or two. Stay a couple of months to hunt down the leaders, then leave. We are capable of doing this if we have the will to do so.


Some people just don't get it! Given we are almost 14 years on in this war, I doubt they ever will. Keyboard Commandos wallbash.gif



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