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I remember


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1. I remember when conservatives refused to vote for a draft dodger.

2. I remember when conservatives placed a value on a candidate being a gentleman.

3. I remember when conservatives slammed Bill Clinton for his marital infidelities.

4. I remember when conservatives opposed socialized health care.

5. I remember when conservatives were for private property rights.

6. I remember when conservatives slammed Bill Clinton for his potty mouth.

7. I remember when conservatives would NEVER slam President Reagan.

8. I remember when conservatives wanted to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

9. I remember when conservatives were for free trade.

10. I remember when conservatives were for family values.

11. I remember when conservatives were opposed to tax plans endorsed by hyper liberals like Elizabeth Warren & Paul Krugman.

12. I remember when conservatives believed the GOP should be the party of the big tent rather than the party of the pup tent.

13. I remember when conservatives would never have voted for a candidate who made pro-incest comments.

14. I remember when conservatives were for a balanced budget.

15. I remember when conservatives did not seek the endorsement of a communist regime.

16. I remember when conservatives did not slander fellow presidential candidates.

17. I remember when conservatives did not refer to women as a piece of a*s.

18. I remember when conservatives did not slander conservative supreme court justices.

19. I remember when conservatives did not mock the handicapped.

20. I remember when conservatives had long track records of conservatism.

21. I remember when conservatives did not have a long history of donating to liberal democrats.

22. I remember when conservatives did not vote for Carter, Mondale, Clinton twice, & Obama twice.

23. I remember when conservatives were not reality show stars.

24. I remember when conservatives did not get calls from Bill Clinton urging them to run for office.

25. I remember when conservatives believed that if you agree 80% of the time you were 80% friends rather than 20% enemies.

26. I remember when conservatives were not flip flop masters.

27. I remember when conservatives did not vote for casino owners.

28. I remember when conservatives did not vote for strip club owners.

29. I remember when conservatives did not endorse candidates married to porn actresses.

30. I remember when conservatives would not endorse slum lords.

31. Hang I remember a lot that today's so-called conservatives do not remember.

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The Upcoming Republican Primary & Roe’s 43rd Anniversary


It has been 43 years since the infamous Roe v. Wade decision was handed down. This decision has been rightly criticized as bad Constitutional law. In it, our Supreme Court “discovered” a Constitutional right for a woman to procure an abortion. Prior to 1973, no United States court had ever seen such a right. In fact, the words “abortion” or even “privacy” are not even found in the text of the American Constitution. The seven justices voting with the majority essentially amended the constitution from the bench to create such a right out of thin air. They circumvented Article V of the Constitution, which places the changing of the Constitution in the hands of the people’s representatives. In the process they “federalized” or “nationalized” an issue that was once handled by the layer of government closest to the people, the individual state governments. When the abortion issue was federalized, the Supreme Court took away from the states the ability to pass laws to protect those who are incapable of defending themselves, which in this case are unborn children. In the process, they transferred a fundamental decision away from the people’s representatives and into the hands of the unelected, Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://thewordonpolitics.com/the-upcoming-republican-primary-roes-43rd-anniversary/

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