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EXCLUSIVE — The Long War: GOP Campaigns Brace For Potential Brokered Convention After Protracted Delegate Fight


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Several GOP presidential campaigns are openly contemplating the increasingly likely possibility that a 2016 nominee won’t be selected before the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in late July. If no candidate secures enough delegates by the time of the convention, then what would happen is what’s called a “brokered convention”—at which time things could get truly interesting.


“We believe there are only two candidates who could possibly tie things up before the Convention (Trump and Carson), otherwise, we don’t see how a brokered convention can be avoided,” Doug Watts, Dr. Ben Carson’s communications director, said in an email.


“It’s hard to say,” Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told Breitbart News when reached by phone on Wednesday afternoon. Lewandowski was asked if there could end up being a brokered convention in 2016.


I think what you see right now, you’ve got one candidate in the field who is the clear and definitive frontrunner not just in national polls but in the four early states. And if you look at the publicly available polling data in states like Texas, like Oklahoma where Mr. Trump continues to win, and you look at those states on the 15th which are winner-take-all, states like Florida where Mr. Trump is winning, states like Missouri where Mr. Trump is winning, states like Ohio where Mr. Trump is winning, is there a scenario where there could be a brokered convention? Of course there is. But I think at the end of the day right now is you have someone who is so dominant in the race that has established a very significant field operation and, you know, who has clearly outperformed the expectations of the media and the pundits at every single turn, it’s hard to say if you can believe anything the political elite or the mainstream media have to say anymore.



“Who could predict?!” Tim Miller, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s communications director, added when asked if there’s likely to be a brokered convention in 2016.



Planning for the unthinkable?

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