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Gov: Colorado will continue to accept Syrian refugees


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75890656NBC News:

DENVER – Colorado will not join the growing number of states that have refused to accept Syrian refugees in wake of the Paris terrorist attacks, Gov. John Hickenlooper announced Monday.


"We will work with the federal government and Homeland Security to ensure the national verification processes for refugees are as stringent as possible," he wrote in a statement. "We can protect our security and provide a place where the world's most vulnerable can rebuild their lives."


Michigan and Alabama were the first states to say they would not accept Syrian refugees in wake of the attacks. They have since been joined by New Hampshire, North Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Arizona, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and Massachusetts.



@SrWoodchuck @nickydog

Good luck with that.

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So Far: Syrian Refugees in U.S. Include 2,098 Muslims, 53 Christians


(CNSNews.com) – President Obama said Monday that calls from some quarters for the U.S. to admit only Christian refugees from Syria were “shameful,” yet the reality is that today’s refugee system discriminates, not against Syrian Muslims, but against Christians and other non-Muslim minorities.

Critics say this is because the federal government relies on the United Nations in the refugee application process – and since Syrian Christians are often afraid to register with the U.N., they and other non-Muslims are left out.

Fleeing persecution at the hands of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, Syrian Christians generally avoid U.N. refugee camps because they are targeted there too.


Most refugees considered for resettlement in the U.S. are referred by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).Scissors-32x32.png


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In response to the idea that the U.S. should limit the flow of Syrian refugees into this country to Christians, President Obama had this to say:

That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have a religious test for our compassion.

This sounds good in the abstract. For at least two reasons, however, it is not a persuasive objection to limiting entry to Christians.

First, Syrian Christians face persecution from ISIS based on their religion. Syrian Sunnis do not. If ISIS conquers their town, they will not be slaughtered because of who they are. Christians are likely to be. (Alawites might be, but they can relocate to areas controlled by the Assad regime; there is no need for them to leave Syria).

Clearly, then, Syrian Christians and Syrian Sunnis are not similarly situated refugees. As Jonathan Tobin explains:

[T]he question of viewing Christian refugees from ISIS differently from that of Muslims is not so much a question of a religious test as it is of understanding the reality of the conflict. After all, in the 1930s and 40s it should have been permissible for American officials to view Jewish refugees from Nazi-occupied territory differently from those of, say, non-Jewish Germans who sought to flee Europe. . . .Scissors-32x32.png



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There is no real vetting and there is no tracking once they are here. They are free to move about the country.


....and eligible for more entitlements than most (or all) the US citizens on this forum.

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@pollyannaish @Chickadee


I guess you guys have decided you wanted to roll the dice with the refugees. WA governor says bring them on.


25 states have said no.

I rolled over in my grave when I heard this. (Having died already several times over western Washington's grossly liberal politics.)

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There is no real vetting and there is no tracking once they are here. They are free to move about the country.



What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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Dems Plot State-Level Strategy to Pressure GOP Governors on Refugees


A prominent Democratic lawmaker met with the head of a progressive state-level advocacy group on Tuesday to plot ways to undermine Republican governors who have resisted federal efforts to relocate Syrian refugees to their states, according to sources present at the meeting.

In a conversation at a Capitol Hill coffee shop on Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D., Texas) and Nick Rathod, head of the State Innovation Exchange, discussed the need to enlist Democratic mayors to put political pressure on those governors.

“The mayor of Boston, the mayor of Houston, those guys could be fighting against their governors,” said Castro. “You can push the states in a more progressive direction from the cities.”

Castro also cited Newark, “another place where you can score some points against a prominent Republican governor.” Rathod suggested Detroit due to its high numbers of Muslim immigrants. That city’s mayor “should be standing up and sticking it to the Michigan governor,” he said.

The conversation was transcribed and relayed to the Washington Free Beacon by an individual who overheard the meeting. Another source who was also present for the conversation confirmed the account. Both spoke on condition of anonymity.Scissors-32x32.png



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On Wednesday, Belgian media reported that the Abdeslam brothers were interrogated by Belgian police before the Paris attacks but they were released because “they did not show signs of possible menace,” according to a police official cited by the Belgian newspaper Le Soir.



So real terrorists were interrogated and released and we are to believe that screening refugees by mainly a sit down question answer session (supposedly most don't have documents and there are no major Syrian databases) will work?

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On Wednesday, Belgian media reported that the Abdeslam brothers were interrogated by Belgian police before the Paris attacks but they were released because “they did not show signs of possible menace,” according to a police official cited by the Belgian newspaper Le Soir.



So real terrorists were interrogated and released and we are to believe that screening refugees by mainly a sit down question answer session (supposedly most don't have documents and there are no major Syrian databases) will work?



You sound so.........scepitcalwink.png

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Wait, did she say TERRORISTS brought into this country MAYBE AMERICANIZE and don't attack us?



Congratulations, your hearing is prefect.

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@pollyannaish @Chickadee


I guess you guys have decided you want to roll the dice with the refugees. WA governor says bring them on.


25 states have said no.

Not thrilled about this since many of them will be within two hours of us and in areas that, to be honest, don't have the infrastructure to make this work well. I'm not overly worried about attacks here as much as the complex logistics. Unless tactics are seriously changed, any attacks would probably be on the west side.


That said, I have disliked our governor for decades. He is an ambitious social climbing....better stop there. ;)

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