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They came wearing Uggs.


The incipient fascists of the campuses are on the march from University of Missouri to Amherst College to Smith College to Claremont McKenna College. Their communist allies are on the march at universities across America, demanding that others pay for their tuition. If this is America’s future, as Ronald Reagan once told student protesters, I’ll sell my bonds.


The kiddie Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is in full swing. One the one hand, we’ve got the Pantywaist Fascists too timid to handle “microaggressions” but just aggressive enough to call the cops for hurt feelings, the racists who ban white students from their “safe spaces,” and their weak-kneed allies calling for “muscle” against reporters. On the other, we’ve got the intellectual flotsam of the Occupy Wall Street movement, insisting that the one-percenters at the banks that grant loans now hand that money over for free so that they can use it for their vital degree in gender studies and their concentration in lesbian dance theory.


What does this alliance of radicals fight for? Let’s take a look at their program.


Dismissing Evidence As A Standard For Racism. The University of Missouri race conflagration began as a poop-swastika Reichstag Fire. The original complaints of the students were based on four incidents. First, the student government president, Payton Head, who is black, claimed that he’d been called the n-word by a group of men in a pickup truck. No police report was ever filed. Head recently claimed that the KKK had been seen on campus as well. He had to retract that one.


Then, a group of black students said a drunk white guy called them the n-word. They reported the incident to police, and the university took all necessary steps to investigate and prosecute. After that, reports emerged of a poop swastika in one of the dorms; again, the university fully investigated, and according to police reports and administration emails, the prime suspect is a fellow who uses anti-Semitic slurs and called a white kid “bitch ass nigga.” Finally, black student hunger striker Jonathan Butler claimed that the president of the university, Tim Wolfe, allowed his driver to hit Butler with his car during an attempted shutdown of the homecoming parade. Video shows that Butler rushed directly toward the car (Butler, by the way, is filthy rich).


Based on this utterly non-existent evidence of systemic racism, the Mizzou students got Tim Wolfe fired.


It’s not just at Mizzou. At Claremont McKenna College, the dean of students was forced to step down after writing an email to protesters sympathizing with their concerns – she wrote that protester concerns were important and “we are working on how we can better serve students, especially those that don’t fit our CMC mold.” This is not racism. Nonetheless, this “microaggression” meant somebody had to lose her job. At Amherst, students want the president to apologize for “injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism. Also include that marginalized communities and their allies should feel safe at Amherst College.” No evidence of systemic approval of such acts has ever been documented.



Lies and the protesters who spread them.

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