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Planned Parenthood blasted over salaries, expensive parties


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2573005Washington Examiner:

Paige Winfield Cunningham



House Republicans grilled Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards Tuesday morning on her group's generous employee salaries, spending on parties and travel, contributions to political causes and efforts to get Democrats elected, but largely ignored the issue that generated the hearing in the first place, which was the group's involvement in providing aborted fetal tissue to researchers.


Richards, who heads the prominent chain of women's health and abortion clinics, faced Congress for the first time ever to defend her group in the face of newly-energized GOP efforts to block it from getting federal dollars. A series of undercover videos from anti-abortion investigator David Daleiden highlighting Planned Parenthood's involvement in providing aborted fetal tissue have prompted widespread outrage among Republicans and abortion opponents.


Two other House committees have also held hearings on Planned Parenthood this month, but Rep. Jason Chaffetz's Oversight and Government Reform Committee was focused Tuesday on Planned Parenthood's funding sources and how it spends its dollars. Chaffetz said the group needs to be examined as a political entity.










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Democrats: Turn up heat on producer of Planned Parenthood videos
Paige Winfield Cunningham

10/6/15Democrats on the House Oversight Committee are pressuring their Republican colleagues to turn up heat on the maker of undercover videos targeting Planned Parenthood.


Ranking member Elijah Cummings, D-Md., led a letter to Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, on Tuesday asking him to force David Daleiden to turn over materials he obtained by posing as a fake human tissue buyer during meetings with top Planned Parenthood officials.


"Unlike Planned Parenthood, Mr. Daleiden and his group engaged in a host of potentially illegal activities, including filing false documents with government agencies, falsely impersonating a legitimate business concern, soliciting charitable contributions under false pretenses and secretly recording Planned Parenthood officials without their consent," the Democrats wrote.


The letter is part of an ongoing struggle between Republicans on the committee, who have been probing Planned Parenthood and drilled into its president, Cecile Richards, at a hearing last week, and Democrats, who insist they're ignoring possible illegal activity by Daleiden.



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