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The Sickening Deification of Rasmea Odeh


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The Sickening Deification of Rasmea Odeh

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 1:10pm


Anti-Israel activists creating a Palestinian Mumia Abu-Jamal


In early September 1972, Palestinian “Black September” terrorists seized the Israeli Olympic team at the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. By the time it was over, 11 Israeli athletes and one German policeman would be dead.


Before the deadly conclusion, Black September demanded the release of the notorious German “Red Army Faction” terrorists Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhoff as well as 234 prisoners held in Israeli prisons.


Included on that list was a name that probably meant little to people outside Israel – Rasmieh Odeh.


The name Rasmieh (Rasmea) Odeh meant a lot to Israelis because Rasmea and her co-conspirators were convicted in 1970 of the 1969 bombing of the SuperSol Supermarket in Jerusalem, which killed university students Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner. Scissors-32x32.png

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Rasmea Odeh rightly convicted of Israeli supermarket bombing and U.S. immigration fraud

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 10:10am


“Free Rasmea Odeh” campaign based on imagined facts and real distortions.


[Note: This post has been updated to reflect additional records obtained after initial publication further demonstrating Rasmea Odeh’s culpability in the bombing of the SuperSol supermarket and casting doubt on her claims of torture]


On November 10, 2014, a federal jury in Detroit returned a guilty verdict against Rasmieh (Rasmea) Yousef Odeh for illegally procuring naturalization by falsely answering questions whether she “ever” had been convicted or imprisoned.


In fact, Rasmea was convicted in 1970 and imprisoned in Israel for 10 years in connection with a 1969 supermarket bombing in Jerusalem in which two university students were killed, and other security offenses including the attempted bombing of the British Consulate.


If this were just another immigration fraud story, it would be unremarkable. Regardless of whether Rasmea’s Israeli conviction and prison time were deserved or just, they happened and needed to be disclosed in response to clear questions on immigration forms. Case closed.


But there is another story here, in which Rasmea, her attorneys and supporters seek to exonerate Rasmea in court and in the court of public opinion by trying to relitigate Rasmea’s 1970 conviction, and the history of the Middle East conflict going back to the creation of the State of Israel Scissors-32x32.png


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Appeals Court remands Rasmea Odeh case for expert evidentiary hearing

Posted by William A. Jacobson February 25, 2016 at 11:26am


Depending on evidentiary hearing, conviction may stand or new trial held.


The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in an Opinion released today (full embed at bottom of post), remanded the immigration fraud case of Rasmea Odeh to the District Court on the issue of whether Rasmea should have been permitted to present expert testimony. The Appeals court did not rule such evidence admissible, and did not order a new trial. Rather, the Appeals Court ruled the trial court should have at least held a hearing on the issue of expert testimony.


It is possible the trial court rejects such evidence after hearing under the strict requirements for expert evidence in federal court, in which case the conviction stands. Or after hearing rules the evidence should be admitted, in which case there will be a new trial.


Rasmea was convicted of immigration fraud in federal court in Detroit in November 2014 for failing to disclose her 1970 conviction in Israel for the 1969 bombing of a supermarket, which killed two university students (Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner), and attempted bombing of the British Consulate. Scissors-32x32.png http://legalinsurrection.com/2016/02/appeals-court-remands-rasmea-odeh-case-for-expert-evidentiary-hearing/

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September showdown over convicted bomber Rasmea Odeh’s mental exam in immigration case

Posted by William A. Jacobson Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 7:00am


Rasmea claims she suffered from PTSD when she lied on immigration applications, but doesn’t want to be examined except by her own expert.


Rasmea Odeh is the Palestinian terrorist group member convicted of the 1969 supermarket bombing in Jerusalem that killed two Hebrew University students, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.


Rasmea was released in a prisoner exchange in 1979 for an Israeli soldier captured in Lebanon.


Rasmea eventually made her way to the U.S., where she lied on both her visa and naturalization applications, by falsely stating that she never was convicted of a crime or served time in prison. She told other lies as well, such as not disclosing the time she spent in Lebanon after release from Israeli prison, or that she was a military member of the terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


Rasmea became a U.S. citizen in 2004 on the basis of those lies.


Rasmea was convicted of immigration fraud in federal court in Detroit in November 2014.


But for now, we’re focused on the September 22 showdown over the mental examination. Scissors-32x32.png



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Court orders Rasmea Odeh to undergo mental exam in immigration fraud case

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 6:00pm


Claims PTSD caused her to give false answers on immigration forms as to prior conviction for terrorist bombing and murder.


Rasmea Odeh is the Palestinian terrorist group member convicted of the 1969 supermarket bombing in Jerusalem that killed two Hebrew University students, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.


Rasmea was released in a prisoner exchange in 1979 for an Israeli soldier captured in Lebanon.

Rasmea eventually made her way to the U.S., where she lied on both her visa and naturalization applications, by falsely stating that she never was convicted of a crime or served time in prison. She told other lies as well, such as not disclosing the time she spent in Lebanon after release from Israeli prison, or that she was a military member of the terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


Rasmea became a U.S. citizen in 2004 on the basis of those lies.


Rasmea was convicted of immigration fraud in federal court in Detroit in November 2014, sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered deported after release from prison




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Govt: Rasmea Odeh defense made “completely false” representation in motion to modify mental exam


Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 2:30pm | 9/21/2016 - 2:30pm


Motion to modify PTSD mental exam based on apparent misrepresentation to the court.


Rasmea Odeh is the Palestinian terrorist group member convicted of the 1969 supermarket bombing in Jerusalem that killed two Hebrew University students, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.


Rasmea was released in a prisoner exchange in 1979 for an Israeli soldier captured in Lebanon. Rasmea eventually made her way to the U.S., where she lied on both her visa and naturalization applications, by falsely stating that she never was convicted of a crime or served time in prison. She told other lies as well, such as not disclosing the time she spent in Lebanon after release from Israeli prison, or that she was a military member of the terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Rasmea became a U.S. citizen in 2004 on the basis of those lies.


Rasmea was convicted of immigration fraud in federal court in Detroit in November 2014, sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered deported after release from prison.


Rasmea has become a hero to the anti-Israel movement in the U.S., which falsely claims she confessed to the supermarket bombing only after 25 days of horrific sexual torture. In fact, the records show she confessed the day after arrest, there was substantial corroborating evidence, and she received a trial that an observer from the International Red Cross termed fair. Rasmea’s main co-conspirator has said in a video interview decades later that Rasmea was the mastermind. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://legalinsurrection.com/2016/09/govt-rasmea-odeh-defense-made-completely-false-representation-in-motion-to-modify-mental-exam/

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Rasmea Odeh prosecutors: At new trial, we’ll prove Rasmea was a terrorist

Posted by William A. Jacobson December 14, 2016 at 5:00pm

Prosecution to seek depositions abroad of “two witnesses who have first-hand knowledge of Defendant Odeh’s involvement in terrorist activities"


The prosecution of Rasmea Odeh started out quite simply.


Rasmea signed a naturalization form that denies she “EVER” (bold and CAPS in original) was convicted or imprisoned. That was a lie. Rasmea was convicted in 1970 in Israel of the 1969 bombing of a supermarket in Jerusalem in which two students were killed, and attempted bombing of the British Consulate.


In the first trial, the judge did not allow Rasmea to relitigate the Israeli conviction with good reason — whether the conviction was correct or not, the conviction and subsequent imprisonment were facts that had to be disclosed in response to the questions. The questions did not ask whether Rasmea “justly” or “rightly” or “fairly” was convicted or imprison, so the propriety of the conviction was not legally relevant.




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READ: First Superceding Indictment against Rasmea Odeh

Posted by William A. Jacobson December 16, 2016 at 5:30pm

Very damaging to Rasmea’s defense, since none of her PTSD claims relate to lying about her involvement in the PFLP.


We recently reported that a Superceding Indictment was filed against Rasmea Odeh, the convicted terrorist who faces re-trial on an immigration fraud charge.


Rasmea was convicted in Israel in 1970 of the 1969 bombing of the SuperSol supermarket in Jerusalem that killed two Hebrew University students, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner. Rasmea also was convicted of the attempted bombing of the British Consulate.


Rasmea was released in 1979 in a prisoner exchange for an Israeli soldier captured in Lebanon.

Rasmea made her way to the U.S. in the mid-1990s, where she lied on her visa application by denying any prior convictions or imprisonment, and again in her 2003 naturalization application when she repeated the same false answer. Scissors-32x32.png


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While awaiting trial, Rasmieh Odeh cavorts with fascists and bigots.

February 17, 2017 / Ari Lieberman


Like an insidious virus, the name Rasmieh (also spelled Rasmea) Odeh keeps popping up in the news. This time her name has appeared in connection with a “Women’s March” event where group organizers, including Odeh, have advocated “striking, marching and blocking roads,” in protest against President Donald Trump. Organizers have referred to the Trump administration as “aggressively misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and racist.” The irony of course is that one of the prime organizers of this event was responsible for murdering two Jewish university students simply because they had the temerity to be born Jewish.


Odeh has also been invited to speak at an event hosted by “Jewish Voice for Peace,” a hate group that is neither Jewish nor peaceful and is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and expulsion of its indigenous inhabitants. The list of other featured speakers includes a cacophony of vitriolic Islamo-fascists, well versed in the art of hate and bigotry. Lindar Sarsour, a rancid Jew-hater elevated to the status of Goddess by the radical left and Diana Buttu, a PLO shill Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/265834/convicted-terrorist-and-fraudster-gets-new-trial-ari-lieberman

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Terrorist Rasmea Odeh cops plea deal, to leave country


Posted by William A. Jacobson Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 8:51pm | 3/23/2017 - 8:51pm


As always, my thoughts are with the families of Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner, Rasmea’s victims.


Rasmea Odeh, whose case we have been covering for over two years, has agreed to a plea deal according to her defense committee. That deal will avoid prison for her immigration fraud, but she will leave the country and surrender her citizenship.


The Rasmea Defense Committee issued as statement on the deal, full of the types of lies Rasmea and her supporters have been telling for years about her underlying terrorist bombing of the SuperSol supermarket that killed Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.


Hebrew University students murdered in 1969


These key posts of mine summarized the evidence showing her guilt of the supermarket bombing and immigration fraud:


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