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Democrats Admit to Being Lobbied by Russia, China and Europe Before Backing Iran Nuclear Deal


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democrat-senators-lobbied-russia-china-and-europe-deciding-back-iranCNS News:

(CNSNews.com) – More than a dozen of the 34 Democratic senators who have declared their support for the Iran nuclear agreement cited arguments by America’s five negotiating partners that there would be no better deal forthcoming if the U.S. rejects this one.


On Wednesday, the number of senators to have publicly stated support for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) climbed to 34 – all Democrats – thereby giving President Obama the backing he needs to sustain his veto of a Republican-led resolution disapproving it, which is expected to pass by mid-September.


As previously undecided senators one by one came out in support of the agreement over the past month, references in their statements to the views of the other P5+1 governments involved in the negotiations – Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany – were strikingly common.


Many of them attended a briefing by ambassadors from those countries in early August.Scissors-32x32.png

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Four days later Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) said she had asked the ambassadors of the five other countries involved in the talks “detailed questions about what their countries and others would do if Congress does not approve the agreement.” “[N]ot one of them believed that abandoning this deal would result in a better deal,” she said. Instead, “international consensus” would splinter, sanctions would unravel and Iran’s nuclear program would be left unconstrained.



I'm not saying she's lying like a rug, and that she wouldn't know a detailed question if it came up and killed her on the lips....or any other part of her body. So in the new spirit of tolerance, lets just say she is engaging in a creative alternative to the truth.

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